The Place of Skulls

Displaying 25 of 128 mission posts

Title Date
More Than Ten Percent
by Lieutenant Jennifer Bracco, M.D. & Ensign Sheldon Parsons & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Ensign Ezra Gonzalez & Lieutenant JG Glum Dogrov
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1300
Operator, Could You Help Me Place This Call?
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Irynya & Captain Björn Kodak & Lieutenant Sharrina Blackstone & Maje Jaha Veeth & Lieutenant Chaali
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1255
Destination: Sickbay!
by Ensign Ezra Gonzalez & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Andrew Munro & Lieutenant Jennifer Bracco, M.D. & Ensign Sheldon Parsons & Lieutenant Miriam Lal & Lieutenant JG Glum Dogrov
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1250
Waiting For the Other Shoe
by Captain Björn Kodak & Lieutenant Sharrina Blackstone & Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Maje Jaha Veeth & Lieutenant Irynya & Lieutenant Chaali
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1240
Run and Gun
by Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Lieutenant Jennifer Bracco, M.D. & Ensign Gora bim Gral
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1238
Random Repairs
by Ensign Sheldon Parsons & Ensign Ezra Gonzalez & Andrew Munro
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1230
Warning Bells
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Commodore James Smith & Ensign Noah Balsam & Lieutenant Sovaan & Lieutenant Cassian Pell
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1230
Hurry Up and Wait
by Lieutenant Irynya & Captain Björn Kodak & Lieutenant Sharrina Blackstone & Maje Jaha Veeth & Lieutenant Chaali
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1225
The Bracco Files: Kennedy Ryan Walsh
by Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Lieutenant Jennifer Bracco, M.D.
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1200
Down, Down, Down
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Commodore James Smith & Ensign Noah Balsam & Lieutenant Sovaan & Lieutenant Cassian Pell
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1200
Wading In
by Captain Björn Kodak & Lieutenant Jennifer Bracco, M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Sharrina Blackstone & Lieutenant Cassian Pell & Lieutenant Irynya & Lieutenant Chaali
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1130
Captain's Log: Arrival at Ankerus
by Captain Björn Kodak
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 1120
Face to Face
by Lieutenant Timmoz
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 0800
How Did Your Night Go?
by Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Miriam Lal
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 16 at 0800
The Desert of Canamar
by Lieutenant Timmoz
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 15 at 2300
Unplanned Confessions
by Lieutenant Irynya & Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 15 at 2200
Out and About with the Nurses
by Lieutenant Irynya & Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Lieutenant Miriam Lal & Lieutenant JG Glum Dogrov
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 15 at 2100
Shower Thoughts
by Lieutenant Irynya
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 12 at 0600
Getting Out
by Lieutenant Irynya & Andrew Munro
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 11 at 2200
Doctor... Who?
by Lieutenant Irynya & Ensign Noah Balsam
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 10 at 2100
Getting to Know You Drinks
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Sharrina Blackstone
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 10 at 2100
The Chairman
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Cassian Pell
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 9 at 1830
Gremlins and Chocolate
by Lieutenant Chaali & Ensign Noah Balsam & Lieutenant Irynya
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 9 at 1800
The Interview
by Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh & Lieutenant Irynya
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 9 at 0930
Advice From Mom
by Ensign Noah Balsam & Debbie Gless
Mission: The Place of Skulls
Mission Day 8 at 1700

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