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Captain's Log: Arrival at Ankerus

Posted on Sat Aug 28th, 2021 @ 10:42pm by Captain Björn Kodak

Mission: The Place of Skulls
Location: Ankerus Asteroid Belt
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 1120

Captain's log, supplemental. Sixteen days out from Risa, we've reached the Ankerus system without further challenge from the Orions. So far at least, sensors show no signs of them. Our Klingon "friends" seemed rather embarrassed to be pulled from Ch'othil's atmosphere and have not pursued us further. Even so, we are running on minimal power so as to keep our energy signature low -- this, despite the fact that sensor readings here are somewhat fuzzy; likely due to the composite materials that make up the asteroids in this part of the system. Even so, it doesn't hurt to be a little sneaky just in case other interlopers are out there lying in wait.

My crew have been quite busy at work en route to Ankerus. We brought back two Chameloid corpses and a number of historical artifacts from the ruins on Ch'othil. We've learned some helpful context about my people from our studies of them -- see my reports for further details. On top of that, the shake up to our command structure seems to be settling quite well. Lieutenant t'Nai has taken well to the XO position and Doctor Ryan Walsh is serving adequately in her place in Sickbay. Our new -- but temporary -- Chief Engineer and Counselor are also settling in nicely, though I admit...I look forward to Commander Karim and Mr. Nico returning to their posts ASAP. Mr. Timmoz would also be a welcome face onboard, though he is currently still on detached duty off the Sojo.

As we now turn our attentions to the current situation ahead, I can't help but wonder how much this hunt for my people is putting my crew at risk. Finding the lost Chameloids is important enough to Starfleet that they've given their blessing and support for this mission but I struggle with putting the crew in danger for what feels like a personal quest. I just hope that the benefits of completing our mission to find the Chameloids will outweigh the potential dangers.

Speaking of such, we've parked ourselves -- for the moment -- at the periphery of the asteroid field that the coordinates from Ch'othil have led us to. Our target seems to be a rather large asteroid deep into the belt, no doubt requiring some very tricky flying from our Flight Controller. And with sensors so fuzzy, our Operations and Tactical officers have their work cut out for them in cutting through the soup out there to watch for threats or potential clues to what we're doing out here. The rest of the crew remain busy, though I have asked our new acting XO to prepare a potential away team for whatever might be awaiting us on that asteroid.

I hope that, once we reach our target, sensor readings -- and our purpose -- will become much more clear. Until then, all we can do is plot a careful course and prepare for whatever we might potentially find at our target coordinates. Hopefully the Klingons and the Orions remain non-threats so that we can complete this part of the mission in peace. But somehow, I remain unconvinced that this will be an uneventful leg of this scavenger hunt. Time will tell...

End log.


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