Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh

Name Kennedy Connor Ryan Walsh

Position Unknown

Rank Lieutenant


  • 69 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri Jul 1st, 2022 @ 9:56pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Birthplace Earth: Drogheda, Ireland
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh is a young petite Caucasian human male. He's routinely well-shaven and well-kept hair.


Spouse In a relationship with Lieutenant JG Irynya
Father Doctor Franklin Ryan (Sr), Head of Surgery, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Mother Doctor Margaret Walsh, Psychiatrist, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Brother(s) Franklin Ryan Walsh (Jr), 28, Medical Student, University of Limerick
Quinlan Ryan Walsh, 25, Medical Student, University College Dublin
Sister(s) Saoirse Ryan Walsh, 21, University Dropout, Presently living in San Francisco
Other Family Uncle: Commander Benjamin Walsh, Chief Medical Officer, USS Cascadia

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh is mostly a quiet and reserved individual whom tends to keep to himself. He's not quick to make friendships with others. Kennedy usually keeps occupied with work and treat his patients. Kennedy doesn't like it when colleagues and friends call him 'Ken' or 'Kenny'. His mother and family endearingly call him 'Kenny'. Sometimes Kennedy after a few drinks allow those close to him to call him 'Ken'. He does want to work harder at becoming more accessible to his crewmates but often will be seen in the corner and rarely seeks recreational activities.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Medicine, Patient care

Weaknesses: not very sociable, keeps to himself,
Ambitions - To work on becoming a more sociable person
- To take advanced courses at Starfleet Medical Academy in a specific field of study; uncertain presently which field
- To teach at Starfleet Medical Academy
Hobbies & Interests Reading medical journals, reading science fiction and fantasy holo-novels, puzzles, listening to music


Personal History Lieutenant Kennedy Connor Ryan Walsh was born on March 28, 2374 to parents Dr. Franklin Ryan, a medical doctor and Dr. Margaret Walsh, a psychiatrist at the Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, Ireland. He is their third of their fourth children. The family on both sides are multigeneration in medicine since the late twentieth century.

During, family gatherings, Kennedy enjoyed the stories that his Uncle, Commander Benjamin Walsh shared of his adventures through various postings throughout his career. At age eleven, Kennedy had already made up his mind to follow in his Uncle's footsteps. His parents encouraged this pursuit, thinking he might outgrow it as the Ryans' and the Walshs' have practiced medicine in Ireland for centuries. He never abandoned this dream.

Kennedy wasn't sure if he wanted to practice medicine like his parents so he decided to enroll in General Studies at Starfleet Academy. He took a mixture of courses in Science, Medicine and Computing. He realized that his love for medicine outweighed and sought a transfer to Starfleet Medical Academy, which he was approved.

Kennedy would finish the five year program in 2397 and be promoted with the rank of Lieutenant JG. He would be placed aboard the USS Reliant as a medical officer. During his two year posting onboard the Reliant would show potential for leadership growth within his own department after leading a triage team in 2398 after the Reliant received a distress call from a Romulan freighter that was attacked by pirates.

The Reliant in 2399 was ordered to return to the fleet yards for its first major refit in over fifteen years a lot of the crew was displaced. His superior officer, Chief Medical Officer Doctor Denise Bolivar ordered him to report to Risa for some recreational leave until his next posting.

Service Record

Service Record 2391 - 2392: General Studies Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2392 - 2397: Medical (Physician) Cadet, Starfleet Medical Academy
2397 - 2399: Medical Officer, Lieutenant JG, USS Reliant
2399 - 2399: Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant JG, USS Sojourner
2399 - Present: Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant JG, USS Sojourner

Medical Profile