Welcome to the USS Sojourner!

Our Tainted Utopia

The destruction of Mars set back Starfleet's exploration endeavors for a decade, and delayed its recovery from the Dominion War. In the wake of such devastation to it's infrastructure and morale, Starfleet pulled back. It closed and secured its borders. Starleet and Federation ideals faltered.

The unity of the Federation was tested as member worlds threatened secession over the Romulan supernova incident, and Federation humanitarian instincts were hampered by hawkish isolationism. "Let them die," had been spoken in the halls of Starfleet Command before, and it was spoken again. The Federation stumbled.

The Hope of Barzan

But a stumble is a stumble, not a fall. Starfleet forged ahead. Efforts to bring the Barzans into the Federation were slow but steady. Voices grew among a people who had largely known austere poverty and favored tight familial bonds above the interstellar society. Some wanted more for their children. Barzan delegates began the painfully slow process of bettering their world for eventual Federation membership.

The broken promise of the Barzan wormhole, now almost thirty years ago confirmed to be unstable, was looked at through fresh eyes and new technology. It could be stabilized on both ends, but it would take a lot of resources and delicate precision. The Barzan people would need more than just Federation resources. It would need a combined effort of the quadrant's polities. One of the surprising architects were the Tholians, who are guaranteed access to the wormhole for their contribution.

Pathfinder II Project

Starfleet's return to the Delta Quadrant was haphazard. Like Voyager some twenty years ago, Starfleet assets within the quadrant were forced to fend for themselves between cyclical openings of the wormhole. Several vessels were lost or went missing. One of those vessels, the venerable Ambassador-class starship Adelphi, was among those casualties and a harsh lesson learned. The species adjacent to the wormhole remained hostile and advanced technologically. Starfleet had to rethink its logistical presence: it needed a permanent outpost to support its vessels. It needed the ability to form reliable diplomatic ties.

The answer was Pathfinder Station and the Pathfinder II Project, named after its predecessor project which maintained successful contact with the starship Voyager.

WIth Pathfinder Station under construction, Starfleet has shifted strategy in the Delta Quadrant. Rather than large vessels with a lot of manpower and resources invested in them, Starfleet is deploying small, fast vessels capable of long periods between refuel and resupply. The Rhode Island-class refits of the Nova platform seemed a decent foundation. They were redesigned for autonomous, deep space mission profiles.

The first of those vessels deployed in the Delta Quadrant is the starship Sojourner.

Latest Mission Posts

» Hi, Nice to Meet You!

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Posted on Tue Jul 23rd, 2024 @ 10:59pm by Lieutenant Cassian Maritz & Lieutenant Commander Victoria Cross

It was really hard to believe it. Chief Operations Officer, and the new second officer of the ship, and a new senior officer's quarters that were considerably nicer than her last ones, all within the span of a day. Victoria uploaded an image from her PADD to a personal photo…

» Seventy-Two Minutes

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 6:11pm by Lieutenant Ix

"Computer," it chirped at them as they rounded the ovoid table of the common area and headed back to the cargo bay, "Recall from Starfleet Security Archives, Program LMH-1-HFA and activate it in the medical stall." Grinding, whirring, clicking, the computer brought forth the file. As Rayph took the steps…

» Cold Leads

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 1:21am by Lieutenant Ix

Field Investigator's Official Log, Supplemental... Shuttlecraft Pecos is being detained by the Malon Theta-Rad Hauler Sevuon-Arno at the request of their Captain Shebur. This is despite our protests that we are in pursuit of a fugitive outside the Extended Hazari Jurisdiction Zone. We are currently at condition yellow. Theta radiation…

» Red Flags

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Posted on Fri Jun 28th, 2024 @ 9:49pm by Ensign Noah Balsam & Lieutenant JG Irynya & Lieutenant JG Kestrel & Ensign Sheldon Parsons & Ensign Tamblem Dravor

[Junior Officers' Quarters 4-13]
[Mission Day 5; 0800 Hours]

Josh's gear arrived from the Quartermasters'. The person bringing his two bags placed them on the floor, since Josh didn't know which bed he was getting.

He looked in the bathroom for any indication of someone being there. But he didn't…

» Chance Encounters

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Posted on Mon Jun 17th, 2024 @ 4:58am by Lieutenant Cassian Maritz & Ensign Eekit Drol

[Debbie's Diner]
[MD 5]

Debbie's had an ebb and flow of patronage throughout the day same as any establishment, revolving around the various shift changes and mealtimes that suited said shifts. Today's particular flow was especially strong; apparently everyone had had the same idea as Eekit and come in…

Latest Personal Logs

» Time to play

Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 1:56pm by Petty Officer 3rd Class Mia

Mia Phillips

Yeoman Mia Phillips found a way to fit in. Being an Orion caused the occasional rise of thee eye brow from time to time, but she made a name for herself by being punctual and having the answer to problems when asked to perform and not acting like…

» Personal Log: ENSIGN Noah Balsam

Posted on Sat Jun 24th, 2023 @ 9:34pm by Ensign Noah Balsam

"Huh? Huh? What do you guys think?"

Noah Balsam stood in the line of sight of his transmission- he wore a black uniform with gold shoulders, a black turtleneck and what appeared to be a seam of yellow that marked a chest flap closure. He tickled at his neck, craning…

» A Return to Service

Posted on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 6:04pm by Lieutenant Chaali

Chief Operations Managers Log.

I didn't think I would be back in this uniform so soon. I thought I'd put it away with the birth of our child, Iryndi. I named her after the most beautiful woman I've known. I hope the Fortunes are looking after her and those with…

» Mia Phillips

Posted on Mon Dec 19th, 2022 @ 9:35pm by Petty Officer 3rd Class Mia

Enigma, now that’s a word she liked. She had over heard a couple of the officers talking about her and they had used that word in an attempt to describe her personality. She guessed that maybe that was a good thing. Her command of the English language was pretty good,…

» The shape of things

Posted on Wed Dec 14th, 2022 @ 7:21am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Mia

Mia Phillips

Enigma, now that’s a word she liked. She had over heard a couple of the officers talking about her and they had used that word in an attempt to describe her personality. She guessed that maybe that was a good thing. Her command of the English language was…