Lieutenant Ezhr Delja

Name Ezhr Delja

Position First Contact Specialist

Rank Lieutenant


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 12:51am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Xanosian
Birthplace Xanosia
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 180 cm (5'11")
Weight 70 kg (155 lbs)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel


Mother Sivri Delja
Lenyr Delja

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Open-minded and curious, with a love for learning things, Delja is constantly on the lookout for new experiences and perspectives. He enjoys being in conversation with others, hearing their stories, and understanding how they choose to approach life. Part of this is a result of the environment in which he grew up, both at home and in his community. Part stems from his own genuine desire to truly see those around him and to meet them where they are.

While this has served him well in both his personal and professional relationships, it has not been without its challenges. To truly see people has also meant seeing the struggles faced by those less fortunate and realizing that, at times, it is not always the desire (or will) of others to change it. The frustration Delja has felt at these situations has, of course, influenced his decision-making when it comes to his career, guiding him toward positions and opportunities where he's felt he can do the most good. It has also brought him into conflict with those who've not always seen it as he has. True, there are some who would accuse him of being 'too idealistic', but others have found his desire to be genuine (albeit, occasionally greater than the ability to fulfill).
Hobbies & Interests * reading (e.g. history, poetry, mythology)
* music (vocal and instrumental)
* outdoor activities (e.g. hiking)
* puzzles and ciphers
* cooking

Languages: Xanosian, Federation Standard, Klingon, Romulan, Borg language (written), Hirogen


Personal History Ezhr Delja was born 02 January 2372 at the Zaqua’a Regional Medical Center on Xanosia, the only child of Sivri and Lenyr Delja. Sivri worked in education as a teacher at the local secondary school while Lenyr served as a caregiver at a transitional facility attached to the medical center. Under their guidance (and with the many opportunities of his homeworld available to him), Delja was raised with considerable exposure to multiple different, intersecting cultures.

When the time came for Delja to fulfill his mandatory service, he chose to do so with the Xanosian Aid Service, an organization that trains and deploys teams to provide assistance to worlds within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. His assignment – Vashti. Delja spent two years working alongside fellow Xanosians, members of Mariposas, as well as residents of the communities on the planet, gaining experience that further expanded his already broad cultural exposure (and also put him more explicitly in the shoes (and lives) of people who were struggling). It convinced him that he wanted to do more than simply study (and experience) other cultures. He wanted to use that knowledge to make a difference (and to help people).

Thus, upon completion of his mandatory service, Delja enrolled at the Starfleet Academy campus on Alpha Centauri. There, he earned dual degrees in cultural studies and political science, before securing a placement in advanced diplomatic training at Starfleet Command. For the first year, he worked closely with the office of cultural affairs on matters ranging from monitoring developing situations to actively working with (and advising) Starfleet personnel on the ground. After that, he was transferred to the Office of the Liaison to the Federation Council where he learned tools (and gained even more experience) to help him advocate for others and effect change.

Delja knew it was going to take more than a couple years at Starfleet Command to build himself and appropriate resume. He would need more time in the field before he would be taken seriously in the halls of power, and so he requested a deep space or frontier assignment (to gain that experience). Thanks to the recommendation of his supervisors, Delja was pretty quickly assigned as diplomatic officer aboard the Excelsior II-class USS Hernandez operating along the border regions. In this role, he was involved in diplomatic exchanges (including second contacts as well as check-ins with worlds that had been overlooked during the last several years of isolation). He readily proved himself quite capable of the cross-cultural work, however he also felt a desire for something…more.

That ‘something’ came in the year 2400, when Dejal was recommended for special assignment to the USS Sojourner, a part of the Pathfinder II Project. The prospects of working in the Delta Quadrant (and promise of multiple first and second contacts) greatly appealed to Dejal, who immediately accepted the assignment and set out to rendezvous with his new posting.

Service Record

Service Record CDT | Cultural Anthropology & Political Science | Starfleet Academy (Tarola'n campus, A. Centauri) (2390-2394)

ENS | Adv. Diplomatic Training & Field Service | Starfleet Command (Cultural Affairs) (2394-2395)
ENS | Adv. Diplomatic Training & Field Service | Starfleet Command (Liaison to Federation Council) (2395-2396)

LTJG | Diplomatic Officer | USS Hernandez (Excelsior II-class) (2396-2398)
LT | Diplomatic Officer | USS Hernandez (Excelsior II-class) (2398-2400)

LT | First Contact Specialist | USS Sojourner (Nova-class) (2400-present)

Medical Profile