Lieutenant Axod Qo

Name Axod Qo Pel’alarqay Fe’afe i-Gethra MD PsyD

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant


  • 15 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 12:30am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Doosodarian
Birthplace Port Gethra, Doosodarian
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 193LBS
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Dark Blue
Physical Description Axod is a relatively tall man of average build. His red Doosodarian hair is thick and wavy as is typical of his people. His eyes are a dark blue.

Ax carries himself with an ease and calm that almost makes him seem as though he’s floating.

He only wears his uniform when required and often spends his time on and off duty in a traditional Doosodarian Kaftan.


Father Tet Qo
Mother Qara Qo
Brother(s) Ax has 4 older brothers who all still reside on Doosodaria.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Axod is very mellow. He believes in keeping a casual approach to his work to keep everyone comfortable. He is known to crack a joke here and there, although Doosodarian humour is far different than many other cultures and his jokes don’t often translate well. Axod has been known to be rather clumsy at times.
Ambitions Simply put, to help people. Helping and healing were major points of his upbringing and continue to be among his core values in adulthood.
Hobbies & Interests Ax is a collector. He collects; books, pottery, and art (specifically sculptures). In his free time, Ax enjoys taking in a Holo-novel or listening to music. For Doosodarian’s Art is such a big part of everyday life, Axod feels a consistent need to enjoy art in different forms.


Personal History Born in 2365, in the ‘Swamp City’ Port Gethra, Ax is the youngest of five children born to Tet and Qara Qo. His upbringing was modest. Both of his parents worked in Music. His father was a relatively well known Lorid-harpist while his mother was a musical healer.His full name is Axod Qo Pel'alarqay Fe'afe i-Gethra. Axod for the Axod trees which grow all around the swampy region of Port Gethra, Qo for his families history as a part of the fisher merchant class, Pel'alarqay Fe'afe are his parents hopes for him in this case "Not to be overshadowed", and i-Gethra for his birthplace Port Gethra.

Axod was educated in the Gethra Communal Children’s Center, the city’s largest educational Center, with his siblings. Starting at 3 years old, children were first introduced to the power of the arts, and taught how to utilize and appreciate them before delving into math and sciences.

Doosodarian education puts great emphasis on learning through doing, older students are encouraged to volunteer within groups and businesses that interest them.

Early on Axod found great pleasure in watching the healers (his mother included) at work in the Agora. He found the process's extremes fascinating. Axod himself volunteered with the healers when he was a teenager, earning his certification as a musical healer at the time as well.

When his lower schooling was done, Ax needed to make a decision about how to move forward. He considered staying in Gethra to work as a healer, moving on to higher education, or moving off world to pursue adventure.

Axod applied to attend the University of Talaniz, Doosodaria’s largest educational institution, to begin studies in the medical field. His acceptance was a very special day for his family, and marked the beginning of Axod’s journey.

His time at the University of Talaniz was peppered with interactions with Starfleet, who often called upon the expertise of the University’s scholars. Starfleet was intriguing to Ax. The exploration and diversity were things that were of great interest to Axod.

He was so enamored with Starfleet that he looked into enrolling and applied while he finished his degree. After several years of intensive study, Ax graduated from the University of Talaniz with his Doctorate in General Medicine, with a minor in Psychiatry and set off to Earth to begin his studies at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco.

The Doosodarian was understandably nervous at the start of his Academy journey. He struggled in the beginning, mainly due to the differences in how schooling on Doosodaria is conducted, but he eventually found his rhythm. Upon graduating, Axod received his commission and his first assignment.

Axod began his Starfleet journey aboard the USS Toronto as a Medical Resident. Working with his Department Head, Ax introduced weekly Doosodarian Music Therapy group sessions which were enjoyed by a good number of the crew while on assignment to the Klingon Border.

After a few years, Axod was transferred to Deep Space K-4 ,also known as Starbase Siberia. Located near the Andorian system, the station was a K Class station used as a research facility for scientists studying a rare form of stellar fungus from an Andorian moon.Axod was assigned to a team of Starfleet Counselors monitoring the mental and physical well being of the researchers. There was not much to do, but Ax wasn’t going to let a backwoods posting dampen his mood. The Doosodarian man took it upon himself to organize game nights, open mic nights, movie showings, anything to help raise the morale of the entire attached crew.

His efforts aboard Deep Space K-4 didn’t go unnoticed by his superiors. Ax was put forward for the honour of leading a team at Starfleet Medical on Earth. He took the post with a gracious attitude and led the team while publishing papers comparing Doosodarian and Denobulan holistic medical approaches.

After a few long years, Axod longed for a return to the stars and requested a transfer to a ship. He was happy to join the crew of the USS Thejal as Chief Counselor. Axod hoped the posting would afford him the opportunity to log some hours as a counselor in addition to his regular duty, and also continue to form lasting friendships with his comrades. It was here that Axod was encouraged to pursue some extension courses in Diplomacy, including First Contact procedures. His command staff expressed that this would be a major asset to the ship and for Ax’s career moving forward.

Service Record

Service Record 2388-2389: USS Toronto - Medical Resident, Medical Officer

2389-2393: Deep Space K-4- Medical Officer

2392-2397: Starfleet Medical - Counselling, Research Team Lead

2397-2400: USS Thejal - Chief Counselor

2400-present: USS Sojourner- Chief Counselor

Medical Profile