The Waiting Game

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The former crew of Adelphi have returned to the Alpha Quadrant under their own power... barely. No longer able to sustain life, the heavily damaged and venerable Ambassador-class was deemed retired and sent for decommissioning at the Qualor II Surplus Yards. The surviving crew is granted shoreleave and respite. Some of the 600+ members receive new transfer orders. Some put in for new assignments rather than wait.

For some, there are investigations. For others, working through trauma. Others throw themselves into the pleasures of the planet Risa. But what the crew suddenly has is a lot of time- and very few answers. When do we get a new ship? Will we get a new ship? Will we return to the Delta Quadrant?

Start Date Mon Jan 25th, 2021 @ 1:41am
End Date Wed Oct 20th, 2021 @ 1:41am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Post 1 - Risa Shine
by Captain Björn Kodak & Debbie Gless
Shoreleave: Day 1, 0941 Hours USS-Maricopa, VIP Guest Quarters
Post 2 - Obsidian Eyes
by Rogue Agent
Shoreleave Day 25 Uncharted Planetoid
Post 3: Corrective Action
by Lieutenant Timmoz
Shoreleave MD22: 0815 hours; Ten years ago. Rango IX Detention Facility, Rango IX Moon
Post 4 - Phantom Faces at the Window
by Ensign Ezra Gonzalez
Present - a few days into shore leave Risa
Post 5 - Through a glass, darkly
by Lieutenant JG Irynya
Day 56 Resort Kitchens
Post 6 - Recovery, the Winding Road
by Commander Kora Lenek
Ending MD 25, 1440 hrs Various
Post 7 - Vill-à-vis
by Captain Björn Kodak & Debbie Gless
Day 1: Arrival Isle Delfino, Risa
Post 8 - Curmudgeonly Miracles
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Commander Kora Lenek
Prior to MD 5 Lunar Annex, Starfleet Medical
Post 9 - Any Old Watering Hole
by Commander Kora Lenek & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai
Shortly after Post 8 A small cafe just outside of Starfleet Medical's buildings on the lunar surface
Post 10 - An Operational Accident
by Rogue Agent & Captain Björn Kodak
Shoreleave Day 37 Risa
Post 11 - A Risa Morning
by Andrew Munro
One day before shore leave Suraya Bay, Risa
Post 12 - The Barbe-Cutie, Part I
by Captain Björn Kodak & Debbie Gless
Shore Leave Day 1: 1321 Hours Isle Delfino, Risa
Post 13 - Deja Vu
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Commander Karim
Shortly after beaming back to the Adelphi Sickbay, USS Adelphi
Post 14 - The Barbe-Cutie, Part 2
by Captain Björn Kodak & Debbie Gless & Andrew Munro
Shore Leave Day 1: 1321 Hours Pianta Villas, Isle Delfino, Risa
Post 15 - The Barbe-Cutie, Part 3
by Andrew Munro & Captain Björn Kodak
Shore Leave Day 1: 1350 Hours Isle Delfino, Risa
Post 16: The Skin of La Seyne-sur-Mer
by Ensign Noah Balsam
MD 25: 1700 Hours Local Time La Seyne-sur-Mer; La Plage Naturiste du Saint-Seylon, Southern France
Post 17 - The Kodak and Gless Detective Agency
by Captain Björn Kodak & Debbie Gless
Shoreleave Day 2: 2045 Hours Isle Delfino, Risa
Post 18 - Sleepless in Suraya
by Andrew Munro
Shore Leave Day 2: 1900 Hours Suraya Bay, Risa
Post 19 - Reunited, and it feels so good
by Lieutenant Nico Oliveria & Lieutenant Timmoz
Shoreleave Day 53 Risa; Grand Delfinium Resort
Post 20: Rastacine
by Lieutenant Timmoz
Shoreleave Day 77; 0300 Hours Nico's Quarters; Bridge of NI-7119
Post 21: Pins and Needling
by Lieutenant Timmoz & Lieutenant Nico Oliveria & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai
Shoreleave Day 56 Risa Clinic
Post 22 - Re-Initialization
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Ensign Noah Balsam & LMH
MD 20 Earth; Daystrom Institute; Holo-Lab Ishikawa
Post 23 - Cocina de Carlos
by Captain Björn Kodak & Andrew Munro
Shoreleave Day 3: 18:45 Hours Isle Delfino, Risa
Post 24 - House Call
by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Ensign Ezra Gonzalez
MD 60 - 1600 Hours Risa, Ezra's resort quarters
Post 25: Do You Know What Time It Is?
by Lieutenant Timmoz & Lieutenant Nico Oliveria
Shoreleave Day 77 0330 Nico's Room

Mission Summary