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Post 2 - Obsidian Eyes

Posted on Fri Jan 29th, 2021 @ 6:57pm by Rogue Agent
Edited on on Fri Jan 29th, 2021 @ 7:00pm

Mission: The Waiting Game
Location: Uncharted Planetoid
Timeline: Shoreleave Day 25

"We are here." The hologram flickered from gray to green. The figure was kneeling. It was so still it might have been frozen.

"Do you have what we requested?" This voice was like an echo in the room, like a disembodied voice that scratched with subspace interference.

"Yes Mistress Obsidian." The knelt one said but it also hesitated.

"Speak," the present body said. A hand in silken red flicked fingers at controls on the station. The language on the display had Risian characters.

"I confirmed his identity through my sources. He is the Chameloid we are looking for." The knelt one said.

"He is of the blood?" The static voice addressed as Mistress Obsidian asked.

"Yes. I used one of the Starfleet officers to break into his medical records. He is the one we are looking for." The kneeling one said.

"He has the Koh-jut?" The present one asked.

"He has the Koh-jut." The kneeled one confirmed.

"Why is it not in your possession? What is the delay?" Mistress Obsidian asked. Their voice with a hiss of static.

"There are two problems. The Chameloid keeps it in his personal office near his Bridge station."

"That ship has been destroyed. He must have it with him," the present one hissed.

A new voice broke in, also synthesized to mask it. "Kill the Chameloid and retrieve the Koh-jut."

"What is the second issue?" Mistress Obsidian hissed.

"He has one of our cousins on his staff. He is a native of Botchok." The knelt one said, "If the Orion has seen the Koh-jut, he will know what it is."

"The Orion's name?" The new voice asked.


"That is a child's nickname. What is his Clan name?"

"He does not share it. He goes by this Alias." The kneeling one said.

"Eliminate him if necessary. We want the Koh-jut and the Chameloid dead."

"I will do as you command, Mistresses." The kneeling one said.

"We will contact you before you return to the Delta Quadrant. We will investigate this Timmoz as well."

The hologram of the kneeling one disappeared.

=/\= A post by... =/\=

Rogue Agent
USS Sojourner


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