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Wilkommen, Bienvenue, NuqneH!

Posted on Thu Jan 16th, 2025 @ 4:01am by Lieutenant Axod Qo & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Ezhr Delja & Ensign Noah Balsam

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Location: Sojourner Transporter Room One; Shuttcraft Lovelace
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 1600

[Delta Quadrant]
[Bearing 018 mark 279 from Pathfinder Station]
[Approaching the Starship Sojourner]
[Day 8, 1600 Hours]

In the infinite abyss of star-studded space, a small dot grew slowly, unblinking, unlike a star. With a snap, the Shuttlecraft Lovelace had exited Underspace's dizzying wormhole-like effect. The lighting inside its cabin rose and cooled from the cautious yellow tinge Starfleet demanded of their ship when it entered the hazards of the Underspace Remnant.

"Standing down from Condition Yellow... computer. Take control. Bring us to within 5,000 meters of the Sojourner.". The pilot of the Lovelace stated. In the cockpit they turned and hailed the ship, while the Yeoman that had been seeing to the needs of the crew for the last two weeks of Underspace and high warp travel. The Yeoman, who had to barely be out of his teens, swayed through the cabin to the back sleeping quarters of the ship. He knocked.

"Sir? We're on final approach," he said through the door to Ezhr Delja. Then he turned and did the same to the port side berths. "Sir, Ma'am? We're on final approach."

The sound of the yeoman's voice (and brief knock at the door) drew Delja's attention to the present. He'd spent the past few hours waiting for their rendezvous with Sojourner reading one of the books he'd brought with him, a gift from his colleagues aboard the Hernandez. Now, as he looked up from the page, his eyes settled on the wall display opposite. A series of numbers visible in the lower right-hand corner told him that the time was just past sixteen-hundred hours, which meant the rendezvous would be happening soon.

Indeed, the absence of the yellow alert status and change in vibrations running through the Lovelace were further indications (to him) that they'd left the turbulence of the Underspace Remnant and returned to the relative calm of normal space. The science behind it all was not really Delja's area of expertise. Fascinating, to be sure, but a bit beyond what he fully understood. The history, on the other hand, was much more his field of interest.

Delja placed a mark between the pages to reserve his place, then closed the book and slipped it into his traveling case. He grabbed a the few remaining personal items he'd left out from the nearby shelf and put those into the traveling case as well and closed it. Rising to his feet, he slid the strap of the bag over his shoulder. He took one last look around the berth to make certain that he hadn't forgotten anything. Then, he stepped out into the narrow corridor and started toward the forward section.

The Yeoman had just finished rousing the others, turning to look at Delja. "We'll be in transporter range in a few moments Sir." He gestured for the near starboard visual. In the black infinity there was a rapidly approaching silvery shape. As they drew closer, its color variations gradually built over what was a silver: the blues of warp coils, the humming red pulsations of the ramscoops.

It was a smaller ship, this Sojourner - delta-shaped saucer and a secondary hull snuggly against it, as if protecting from the cold of space. In the distance a voice spoke from the cockpit. The voice sounded on the young side, maybe a little nasal? "Ready for transport, uh, Lovelace." It said.

"Sir," your transport awaits." The yeoman led Delja to a small two-person transport pad. Two others had come up behind Delja as well, taking their turn at the portal view.

Hitching the strap of his travel case a little higher on his shoulder, Delja stepped onto the pad. He turned around so that he was facing out toward the rest of the compartment. A moment later, it disappeared as the familiar blue-silver wash of the transporter swept over him.

"Energizing," was the last thing Delja heard from the shuttlecraft Lovelace, his home of almost a month.

[Transporter Room, USS Sojourner]

"We've got the signal from the Lovelace, um, Ma'am, Sir." Noah Balsam smiled at Commander Emni t'Nai and Counselor Axod Qo. "Three staff coming aboard."

Axod stood, alongside the XO, to welcome the new arrivals . "I can't remember the last time I got asked to be part of the welcoming committee. " He remarked as Ensign Balsam announced the incoming staff. The Doosodarian man ran his hand through his red hair, making it as neat as possible for the moment.

A small smile twitched at the edges of the Romulan XO's lips. "Hopefully you're not too out of practice," she quipped back to the man before nodding to Ensign Balsam. "Bring them aboard."

"Oh. Um well, it's like riding a hoverboard... you never really...." Noah smiled widely. He nibbled his lip and eyed the panel. "... Wait, what's tha-that do again?" He pointed at the pattern buffer readout.

Qo smirked at the transport operator. It was a cute joke and it certainly helped to ease any nerves Ax had been feeling before.

"Sorry just joking..." He rolled back on his heel after bouncing on the ball of his feet. "I'm drunk on power... um... energizing." His practiced fingers swiped over the controls and then positions over the panel where he positioned his fingers and pulled down.

"At least you don't have to answer to the Quartermaster if anyone's access codes get muddled," she murmured as the sparkling motes of the transporter beam coalesced into their new arrivals. She pulled a quick grimace in Qo's direction to punctuate her point. Even as the XO, she was not exempted from their Zakdorn Quartermaster, Rumat's, sharp tongue.

“I can always place Rumat on a mandatory wellness leave if you get in that situation.” Axod winked to the XO. At least he thought his jokes were funny. The buzz of the transporter called the Doosodarian’s attention back to the task at hand.

Stepping forward, Emni held out her hand to the first of the crewmembers off the transporter pad. "Welcome to the Sojourner," she said warmly. "It's a pleasure to have you aboard."

"Thank you, commander," Delja replied, giving the woman's hand a firm shake, "It's a pleasure to be here..."

As he was speaking, his eyes drifted to the individual standing behind and to the right of the Sojourner's first officer, an individual whose features he recognized. It immediately triggered his memory (and a surge of emotion). Yet, a part of him couldn't quite believe it. Thousands of lightyears from home, aboard this ship (with its relatively small crew)...the odds of Delja coming across anyone he knew had to have been astronomical. But there he was. Axod.

Realizing his distraction, Delja quickly gathered his composure. "Sorry," he said, turning his attention back to t'Nai, "Lieutenant Ezhr Delja, reporting for duty."

The actualization of who it was took Axod longer than he cared to admit. Perhaps it was his disbelief at the randomness of chance, or perhaps the situation he found himself in with Xex was weighing heavy on his mind causing the lag. He smiled to himself as Ezhr tripped over his words slightly. Hearing Ezhr’s voice, and seeing him on the transporter pad felt surreal. It made Ax nostalgic for a time that seemed like forever ago.

The recognition that both their new arrival and the counselor felt was unmissable to the XO. Pointed spikes of surprise seemed to peak over a crest of affection... no... memory... nostalgia... It was an interesting mix, and had Emni not been appropriately trained not to let on when she noticed things like this she might have been tempted to look rapidly between the two. Qo knew of the latent low grade empathic ability she had, but Delja did not so the Romulan XO bit her tongue and nodded to the newcomer, releasing his hand and shaking hands with the other two incoming officers that beamed aboard behind him. .

"I'm Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai," she advised the three and then inclined her head toward Qo, “and this is Lieutenant Qo, our ship's Counselor."

A smile formed on Ax, despite his disbelief at the situation. “We’ve met actually.” The Doosodarian man said, more to the XO then to Ezhr.

Emni raised one eyebrow in acknowledgement, a small amused smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "I see," she said warmly. "Then perhaps you would like to do the honors of getting everyone settled? I'm sure I can have Rumat enable your authorization codes for room assignments." She grinned sweetly, but in truth she wouldn't mind passing the torch for this step. She was always glad to welcome new officers, but sometimes a more familiar touch enabled a smoother transition on board.

The Doosodarian absentmindedly swiped his hand through his ginger toned hair. "Of course, ma'am. " He nodded curtly to the half Romulan Commander. Then turned his gaze back to Ezhr.

Noah, standing behind the distant transport console, went rigid to attention and waited- only to break a moment later to set the transporter into standby. He blinked. "Sorry to interrupt. Lovelace is moving away."

"Thank you Ensign," Emni said kindly. "Please send them our acknowledgement and thanks."

"Yes'm," Noah nodded, looking back down at his control. He bit his lip and shifted his thoughts back to why he'd been here in the first place- the backup biofilter was acting... strange... and the automated diagnostic couldn't pin down why.

With one last parting nod and a vocalized, "Gentlemen," Emni excused herself, mind already on a pile of PADDs on her desk back in her quarters. As she made for the door, though, she finally let the smile that had been threatening to break across her face at the two men's recognition of each other take hold.

It wasn't until the first officer had disappeared from view that Delja turned his attention back to Qo. So many questions circled within the Xanosian's mind. Yet, he did not feel this was the time or place to ask them (seeing as how they weren't exactly alone). What's more, it seemed (to him, at least) that Qo was as surprised as he was by the whole thing, which meant he probably had similar questions himself. They were going to have to find a way to talk, and soon. Or else this was going to be a very long, very awkward assignment...for both of them.

"After you," Delja said, motioning for Qo to lead the way.

A touch of blush swept across Axod’s typically pale cheek. “I..I’m.. yes.” He took a step towards the door. He suddenly remembered he had a group of transfers to show around. He turned back to them, his eyes pausing a moment in Ezhr, then moving to the wider audience of his awkward behaviour. “If you’d all follow me,” he said leading the way through the rooms door and into the brighter corridor beyond. The doors hissed closed behind them.

Noah looked at the double doors of the transporter room- heavy and reinforced. "OK, filter, let's get at this l-lower decks style." Noah flipped a spanner in his hand, tumbling it end over end in the air. His fingers missed. It clattered on the ground. "Damn. Redo. Redo." He announced to himself. "Computer, resume playback Balsam-45-PFC."

The computer churned and rich sound filled the room. It had an electronic sound, with a drum machine, and an odd touch of something like a church organ.

=/\= A mission post by =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Axod Qo
Ship's Counselor

Lieutenant Ezhr Delja
First Contact Specialist

Ensign Noah Balsam
Systems Specialist


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