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Standard Medical Reporting-In

Posted on Sun Jun 9th, 2024 @ 11:15pm by Lieutenant Cassian Maritz & Lieutenant JG Gwenwyn Marwol

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0000

The Medical bay of the ship, sickbay was brightly light, too brightly light. Gwenwyn had been on-call, he could be sitting in his shared quarters but at least here, he could get quiet from sitting in the storecupboard listening to music from a 21st-century artist called "Dafedd Hedd" and NOT be blinded by the lights.

He had sat down, in between the steel shelving units with his back against the wall, the storecupboard doors whooshed opened and the Nurse on the reception desk entered. His music stopped and a PADD was flung into his lap. "Work," Gladis croaked, she'd been a nurse her whole life and fought the Doctors on every medical diagnosis, probably why she still was a junior lieutenant.

Gwenwyn exited the storecupboard, his eyes flicked to adjust to the lights, he wasn't far from the main entrance/exit though he tried to read the PADD his eyes had gotten used to the dimly lit storecupboard. Standing there, he saw a ghost, someone he hadn't seen for a long time. Looking down on the PADD, the ghost was his patient.

"Mr Maritz!" Gwenwyn proclaimed as he announced as the new king of a faraway kingdom. Gwenwyn quickly sorted the back of his hair, in case it had stuck with being against the wall. Cassian Ridley Maritz, Security Officer on the USS Cosmos, Gwenwyn remembered him well. The question was, did he remember who Gwenwyn was?

Cassian had already met Victoria and thought she was absolutely lovely, along with his new assistant chief Josh and Paisley the engineer on the shuttle over, so he thought the next stop should be medical. Then it would be either the CO or the XO. He had his plan in place, and hopefully that wouldn't be derailed because he enjoyed that side of things.

He made his way up to the Sickbay and was almost blinded by the brightness of the lights in there. He understood the need for the bright lights in the operating theatre, but were they really necessary for just general day-to-day stuff? Now he was wishing that he was able to control the lights as well, even to just dim them down a fraction. Stepping into the sickbay, he looked around and saw a nurse going about her duties, "Excuse me, I've been told to report to sickbay for my standard onboarding medical: Lieutenant Cassian Maritz."

Gladis looked up and seemed to take him in before saying, "Lieutenant Marwol is in his office," and pointing to the office before continuing what she had been doing before.

Marwol? It couldn't be... Cassian walked over and waved his hand over the chime to the office to be let in. If this was who he thought it was...

"It's good to see you," Gwenwyn said with his best smile, extending his hand. It had been what? 4 years? Heck, maybe 5, time is hard to get track of when you're in another quadrant that has never been touched by Starfleet of UFP. "How long has it been since the Cosmos?" Asking because he quite couldn't remember because it had been so long and PTSD along with major surgery gave him the terrible memory it could. "I have so many questions, my old friend."

Now it was Cassian's turn to smile wide as he gripped his friends' hand and brought him in for a long, overdue hug, "It's been too long, it's good to see you, my friend." Letting go and stepping back to take Gwenwyn in, Cassian nodded, "Maybe what, a good five years? Yeah, it's been about that. Looks like you've finally got your dream of Medical Officer too."

A soft chuckle followed by "I'm now a fully independent surgeon capable of leading my own surgeries... Was anyway." he quietly finished. His last assignment had him injuring himself, plasma burns scarred his hand and UFP Medical Board of Medical licences took away what he spent years of training to be, a surgeon. "Hows security treating you? Bet it's gotten you a fancy lady."

Cassian cocked an eyebrow at his admission, knowing something was certainly amiss but he decided not to press it any further and that he'd open up when he was ready, if he was ready. So he opted for another smile instead, "I somehow managed the impossible back in the day and managed to marry Tia, but since then I've not had the best luck. Maybe a girlfriend or two, but the spark was just never there, ya know?" He probably knew the exact reason why, he just didn't want to admit it. "How about you?"

"Remember Ellie Doyle? The shuttle pilot? Me and her were together but she fancied a smuggler who knocked her up and left her... She's a tester pilot at Engingeer Corps now, Lt Cmdr offered her own command but she turned it down, wanting to care for her son." Was it creepy that Gwenwyn knew this? The old gang was like ABBA, good friends but once they started dating each other it just fell apart.

"She has a son now? Wow." Cassian hadn't thought about her in years, and if he was being honest, he couldn't remember that much about what she looked like. "That's crazy." He followed Gwenwyn over to the biobed and took a seat. "I still keep in touch with Sarah Kaleido, that Engineer we used to hang out with too? She's now Chief Engineer on another ship somewhere, and is married with twins, she's doing great. I don't really keep in touch with many other people though."

"Looks live everyone is a department head but me!" He quipped though he wouldn't be for long, he'd submitted his resignation he rather leave than be counselled for his PTSD. "Any problems? Like space travel sickness? A lot of people get it the first time through the Barzan wormhole."

"Hey," Cassian looked at Gwenwyn, "Up until maybe a week ago, I was a Security Officer acting as the Department Head in the middle of a rescue mission where people got injured and killed. I didn't submit a request to become the Chief of Security here, my old CO did that for me, and I had no choice but to come. Eventually I would've made it up to this position on my own merits."

Looking down at his hands, he made a comment, "I've still got the light sensitivity that causes migraines, like I'm guessing you've got as well from the way you squint now, and my knee still plays up on occasion from that sports injury I got back on the Cosmos. Other than that, nothing else to report."

"Oh, I've gotten a lot more than migraines," He said, remarking to his injured hands and other hidden injuries, he walked off just for a few seconds to grab a medical tricorder then returned promptly, running a bio scan on Cassian. "Mhm, you're pretty much fine except your heart rate is up... If I remember you correctly, you only get this way before meeting the boss or a lady," He said with a cheeky grin, it was nice to have a friend on the Sojo, someone who knew him. Gwenwyn was having a hard time adjusting to being in the Delta Quadrant still following his accident.

"How is it that you remember that one specific thing about me?" Cassian laughed. "I wish it was meeting a lady, I'd invite you to have front row tickets to watching me crash and burn! Thankfully, it's just the rest of my team that I need to meet, I already met my assistant chief on the shuttle over here."

He then made the decision to bring up what Gwenwyn had been alluding to, "You know you're terrible at hiding things, right? What's going on with you? Or is this a 'sit on the floor with a bottle of whiskey and lights dimmed down' situation?" He was concerned about his friend, even though they hadn't been in contact with each other for a number of years.

"I think we'll have to find a dead-end corridor and drink like we used to," Gwenwyn remarked closing the medical tricorder, referring to times from a by-gone era when it just be him and Cass on Deck 7 at the end of alpha shift sipping sweet Supa Prime Brandy from Supa Prime that re-supplied and took arrested pirates from the Cosmos. "PTSD," Raising his left, burnt hand, it was easy to assume he got it from his injuries "Just back in deep space... Lost everything and I just don't want to be here anymore... Once we get to Pathfinder Station, I'm gonna leave the service." He didn't have any plans either, the only idea he had was to work with his extended family in the travelling circus, but then what? What was his 5-year plan?

What he'd said troubled Cassian as he got up off the bed. They'd just reconnected and now Gwen was wanting to leave? "You haven't lost everything, I'm still here and not going anywhere. And plus, I'm pretty sure I can talk the bartender here into giving us a bottle of Supa Prime Brandy."

"Surgery takes years and years to master. It's in my blood!" He called out, pushing his hand through his brown hair. "All I wanted to be is a surgeon, I'm not cut out to be a specialised doctor with a white 4x4 office." He remembered a slient detail on the PADD he held that was now placed on the bed, Cass was the Chief Security Officer... He had a 4x4 office now, but Gwenwyn knew he didn't take offence about the rant about offices... Maybe Gwenwyn needed sleep now.

Cass quirked an eyebrow and suppressed a grin because he knew to just let Gwen rant for a while before he inevitably got tired and stopped, "Ya done?"

Gwenwyn stood silent, knowing full well he ranted a bit too much. But it was still recent and well, being in the delta quadrant, messages took awhile to get home so he hadn't told his mother yet.

"Good. Now tell me that I have the clean bill of health and I can go be on my merry way to go meet my team, and then you and I can have a proper sit down and catch up, yes?" Cassian basically instructed Gwen.

A smile crept across Gwenwyn's face, "You're fit for duty Lieutenant, you're dismissed" He softly said. Did he ramble too much? It was nice he had a friend even an old friend was welcoming.

Cassian smiled and gave him a hug again, "You're a good guy, Gwen. I've missed the fact you ramble on, now go get some sleep!" And with that final piece of information/instruction, he headed out the door.



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