
Backpost: Apprisal

Posted on Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant Xex Wang & Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Mission Day 0 at 1143

[The Morning Following 'On the Road Again: Confrontation']

“Oh,” Xex exclaimed with quiet surprise as the doors slid shut behind him and he was left with the pleasant quiet of the faux-outdoor space, “well that is better.” When his computer query had turned up the Sojourner's XO in the arboretum, he had been intrigued more than anything else. Now that he was stepping onto the space's pleasant winding path, he found himself admiring t'Nai's judgement. Even the most well-adjusted amongst the planet-born aboard needed a little time on this approximation of terra firma.

Lieutenant Commander t'Nai, in her command red uniform, was not difficult to spot in the small green space, but Xex hesitated for a moment, breathing deeply of air scented not with scrubbers, but with the true smell of growing things. He imagined he could feel the additional oxygen flooding his bloodstream. Finally, and with a small twinge of reluctance to disturb the peace, he stepped forward to garner the woman's attention. “Commander?”

The flower in front of Emni was such a deep brilliant red that her eye had been drawn to it before any other in the space. She'd seen it before, but now she had stood studying it for some moments, letting the color take her mind down long abandoned paths to places that no longer existed. It wasn't a plant native to Romulus. Those were beyond rare anymore and it would have been more than a small surprise to only just learn of one in the small Arboretum found on the Sojourner. But it did resemble a different red flower -- in color if not in form -- and Emni had found herself revisiting a small flower garden that had bloomed in riotous reds once a year just outside of the bedroom of the house where she grew up.

Even so deeply lost in memory her empathetic sense was alert and active, making Xex's appearance less of a surprise, though the concern, sharp and pointed and the guilt, like a swirling undercurrent, that came with him were dissonant against the memories she had been visiting. Years of practice, and a bit of the doctor's genuine in the moment pleasure at finding himself surrounded by plant life, kept Emni from moving, though. Instead she waited for his approach and turned only when she spoke.

"Lieutenant," she said in reply, a small warm smile gracing her features. "What brings you to the Arboretum?"

"Well, I certainly wish it was a mutual appreciation for the variety and beauty of the flora," Xex said with regret, "but I will confess that the computer directed me here. I have a concerning development in sickbay that you should be aware of."

Xex paused, which was unfortunate as this statement could lead anyone down paths of potential sickbay disasters from patients faring poorly to equipment malfunctions, but his distracted expression seemed more like he was choosing words than that he was reluctant to report something negative. Finally, he settled for short and sweet. "Doctor Marwol has tendered his resignation," he said, and though the words had a veneer of detached professionalism, there was a deep undercurrent of disapproval, or perhaps unhappiness, at this turn of events. "And I will confess," he continued, "I'm not sure I have ever driven off an assistant quite this quickly."

If Emni had any tendency toward catastrophizing in the momentary pause in the doctor's delivery she did not show it, instead waiting patiently and with an expression of mild, but calm, concern at the lead in to the conversation. Once the problem was out, though, a small part of her internally unfurled. Relief, sweet and relaxing, spread and then gave way to a mirrored concern. It was clear that Dr. Wang felt responsible, not only from the way he explained things, but also because of the spiky undercurrent of self doubt and frustration that seemed to trail his words in her mind.

"Has Dr. Marwol explained why?" Emni asked, carefully neutral in her delivery though her expression continued to hold concern. "That seems like a surprisingly rash decision for someone to make this far into the Delta Quadrant."

Xex's lips pressed into a thin, disapproving line that was softened only by the general bewilderment that touched the rest of his features. "He... thinks he would like to leave Starfleet and join the circus," he said, choosing his words carefully. He knew that Gwenwyn was not thinking as clearly as perhaps he might, but he had no idea if t'Nai was aware of that. His face remained a touch confused, but otherwise straight. Unfortunately, it appeared this was not a joke. Even so, one corner of Xex's lips quirked upward ruefully as he reminded her, "He did just see a crewmate be eaten by the local fauna." Perhaps if it was a rash decision, it had some basis in rationality, even if Xex couldn't see it.

Emni considered and nodded slowly. "He specifically said the circus?" she asked. A ruefully sort of smile was pulling at the corners of her lips as well. It was the exact sort of ridiculous comment that an officer, not entirely in control of their emotional state, might make in a fit of ill-informed decision making.

Xex's eyebrows peaked with what looked to be pain as he confirmed, "Specifically his uncle's circus." His gray eyes were pleading, as though asking Emni to dispel this bad dream for him. Of course, it was not to be.

"Either way," Emni continued, "it isn't exactly a simple thing to return him to Pathfinder Station. At least not until we receive our next relief crew and that could be some time." She paused, letting Xex's bewilderment wash over her a moment as she considered what to say next. "How would you like to proceed Dr. Wang?" she finally asked. "He's your assistant. Do you have a sense of what you would like to see happen at this point?"

"I would like to see him get some help with his mental health," Xex almost growled, lifting a hand to his face to pinch at the bridge of his nose, massaging as though he had a headache. "On that score, he is incredibly reluctant. And stubborn," he added ruefully, then took a deep breath, sighing it out with a lift of his shoulders. "I want to help him, commander. And I sure as hell don't want to ship him off to the circus." He took another breath, this more fortifying than the last. "Really, I wanted to make sure you were appraised. I intend to continue to work with him, and hopefully if he will actually agree to see Doctor Qo, we may make some progress. I just felt you should know that he is not... doing well. He has agreed to stay on until we swing close enough to Pathfinder again, but..."

Emni digested that, glancing at the plant next to where she had stopped for a moment before nodding. "And you don't feel he's reached a stage where ordering him to see Dr. Qo will be helpful?" she asked before quickly adding, "Not that I am recommending you do so. Simply confirming that you don't feel he's at that stage." She knew the inherent difficulty of diagnosing not just a crew member's mental health needs, but also a fellow medical practitioner.

Xex huffed out a breath, dropping his hand from his face. "Gwenwyn has a very negative impression of mental health professionals, due apparently to his mandatory treatment following the accident that burned his hand. I fear any orders for such treatment will be..." Xex visibly searched for an appropriate adjective, and settled on, "counterproductive. I've already spoken with both Doctor Bracco and Doctor Qo. Whether Doctor Qo reaches out to Gwenwyn..." Again, Xex trailed off and shrugged. "Well. I trust his professional opinion. In the meantime, I suppose the best we can do is monitor and support him."

"Then it sounds like you have your next steps. And of course if I can be of help..." she trailed off, leaving the silver-skinned doctor to complete the thought on his own. She was the XO and if need be she could exercise whatever degree of command capacity was needed. But she had also been a CMO once and being able to speak to another doctor frankly was a luxury on a ship this size and one she would offer to the man before her over and over if it meant she could make any part of his job easier.

"Quite frankly, I hope your help won't be needed," Xex said, a smidgeon of wry amusement once again touching his mouth, quirking it up at one corner, "But I will say it puts my mind at ease to know it's there. Mostly, I felt I would be remiss in keeping this to myself, as it might greatly affect the entire department. You should be apprised of such things. Thank you for your understanding and," Xex finally glanced away from her and around the peaceful environs of the arboretum, "I really do apologize for interrupting you."

"Please," Emni replied, warmth suffusing her voice, "there is no need for apologizing. I'm glad you tracked me down and hope you'll always feel comfortable doing so." She chuckled then, adding, "I suppose the up side of being the XO is this type of news can be as easily delivered in these beautiful surroundings as they can in my office. I confess the scenery here does help center me." She glanced around, taking a moment to appreciate alongside the CMO. "Is there anything else I can help with Doctor?"

This time, when Xex inhaled deeply, it was clear he was appreciating the fresh, living smell of the Arboretum, rather than steeling himself for difficult truths. He let the fresh oxygen rest in his lungs for a long moment before slowly sighing it out again, untainted contentment in the sound that seemed entirely divorced from his disquiet. "One more thing," he said, fighting a smile as he took a step away from her. He managed to hold out until she turned to send an inquiring glance his way, "Enjoy your afternoon, Commander." With that, and a loose salute, he took one more step backward and turned, striding away down the path and leaving the XO once more in peace.

A backpost by:

Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Xex Wang
Chief Medical Officer


