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Post 28 - Sleeping In & Missing Appointments, A Brand New Kennedy

Posted on Wed Mar 31st, 2021 @ 4:04am by Lieutenant Kennedy Ryan Walsh

Mission: The Waiting Game
Location: Ryan Walsh's Hotel Suite, Delphi, Risa
Timeline: Mission Day 70 - 0945

[ Ryan Walsh's Hotel Suite ]
[ Delphi, Risa ]
[ Mission Day 70 - 0945 ]

Kennedy rolled and turned, back and forth underneath his duvet. He had a King-sized bed all to himself. He awakened as the Risian Morning Sun got warmer. He was pretty much still half-asleep as the Risian sunshine shone brightly through the large bay window that looked over the crisp clear Risian Oceans. He had rolled over onto his side towards the sun, forcing his eyes to open. The sunlight’s brightness temporarily gave him blindness resulting in him shutting his eyes quickly for protection.

“My poor Irish eyes!” Kennedy exclaimed while he rolled over to his other side remaining in the centre of his bed. He opened one eye to ensure that he made it to the side of safety, a smile came across his face. Feeling victorious he released a yawn. He stretched his arms in both directions while he looked up over to the nightstand. The clock was on the other side of the bed.

Kennedy groaned and mumbled an expletive which he quickly regretted his foul choice of words. He smirked and rolled back over to the other side of the bed. Temporarily closing his eyes to protect himself from the Risian Sun. He slowly peeked out of his one eye, realizing his eyesight had been readjusted to daylight. He chuckled slightly to himself before looking over to the clock on this side’s nightstand to see that the time was 0948.

“Shit!” Kennedy roared as he shot up out of bed, “I slept in!” He rose his arms in the air. He had never slept in this late. Even when living as a teenager at his childhood home in Drogheda. Then Kennedy clued in that he may have missed something on his daily itinerary that he was surprisingly looking forward to, “My snorkeling tour!”

“Computer,” Kennedy shouted out quickly.

The Computer chirped, “Please provide a command.”

Kennedy nodded his head slowly in understanding, “Computer, when was the snorkeling tour’s departure?”

“0800 departure,” the Computer answered.

Kennedy laid back in bed disappointed that he missed the snorkeling tour. He was certain he would be able to reschedule another tour but he wasn’t certain how much more time he would be spending on Risa. He was hopeful that he would be receiving his new orders from Starfleet would be shortcoming and that he would be ordered to report to his next assignment very soon.

He knew he didn’t want to spend any more of his time in bed. He pulled the covers revealing his Starfleet-issued pajamas. He moved himself around with his feet onto the floor. He pushed each foot into the slippers before leaving the bed and walking towards the sofa. He sat down and touched the complimentary terminal to check his messages.

There were several notifications of the snorkeling tour appointment that he had missed and that they would reach out to him in the next twenty-four period to reschedule. He nodded then spotted that he had a new message from Starfleet marked new assignment orders. He pressed the message. He looked quickly glanced over it, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Kennedy read it out loud, “Doctor Kennedy Ryan Walsh, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Sojourner.”

Starfleet wasn’t certain as of yet when the Sojourner was set to arrive at Risa but it did mention that a lot of the crew’s complement were on the planet including his department head Doctor Emni t’Nai.

Kennedy wasn’t sure if he was ready to be the Assistant Chief Medical Officer. He decided he’d reach out to Doctor t’Nai to see if she would like to meet before he reports to her on the Sojourner. He wanted to know ahead of time what her expectations of him would be.

He quickly typed a few lines before clicking send.

"Hopefully I won't be waiting too long to go back to work," Kennedy replied leaning back against the couch pondering what he'll do for the rest of the day.

A Post By:

Lieutenant JG Kennedy Ryan Walsh
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


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