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Captain's Log: Arrival at Ch'othil

Posted on Sat Jun 12th, 2021 @ 9:47pm by Captain Björn Kodak

Mission: The Place of Skulls
Location: USS Sojourner, Bridge
Timeline: Mission Day 4 at 0926

[USS Sojourner]
[0926 Hours]

"Captain's log," intoned Kodak, sitting on the central dais that housed chairs for the Captain and First Officer. The Chameloid sat atop the left chair while his human second-in-command perched on the right. On the viewscreen at the fore of the Bridge, a slowly-spinning world lavished in verdant forests hung before them. "We've arrived at the coordinates contained within the sphere. Our understanding of the hologram's message is that this world -- called Ch'othil by the Klingons -- is but the first stop in our search for my lost people."

"It's a planetary jungle," he continued, sitting forward slightly as his eyes traced the greenery below, "with ample flora and fauna for study. I'm sure," a smile came to his lips as thoughts of Andrew entered his thinking, "the people down in the bio lab will have a field day with this one. But the real attraction here -- from a mission standpoint, at least," Kodak conceded, "is a very old ruin on the planet's surface. Initial scans show it deserted of any kind of humanoid life, though the surrounding area is teeming with animal life. The coordinates point directly to this ruin and thus," a smile thinly manifested, "our search will begin there."

"Starfleet's normal procedures dictate that the Captain stay aboard during Away Team activities," the Captain shared a look with Satoru, "but the holographic message indicated my own biology may be the key to what we find down there. As such," Kodak offered the man a smile and a nod, "Commander Takomi has agreed to lead the team while I act as spectator and participant when needed. Which means," he turned to smile kindly at Doctor t'Nai, who was seated at an auxiliary station, "we'll need a Second Officer to coordinate the Bridge while we're gone."

Kodak leaned back in his chair then, his expression official-like. "As such, with Lieutenant Timmoz' departure, Doctor t'Nai has agreed to step into the Second Officer role. Computer, make the necessary changes to command authorizations and issue the proper codes to Doctor t'Nai, please." Since he was recording a log, the computer helpfully confirmed with a simple tone versus a vocal response. "The Doctor will be backed up by Lieutenant Chaali," he nodded then to the blue-skinned Bolian, who looked back at him with her customarily playful eyes. "I'm sure they can handle anything that comes their way while we're down on the planet below."

"Well," Kodak sighed softly, "not much more to say on the matter, I suppose. We'll beam down in short order and see what we see. Starfleet can expect updates when there's news to report. Otherwise, 'no news is good news,' as my father used to say. End log and transmit." Once the computer confirmed the order, the Chameloid turned to his First Officer. "Commander, assemble your team." Standing, he smiled wanly, "I do believe I'll need to retrieve the sphere, just in case it plays a role in all this somehow. I'll grab that now and meet you in the transporter room shortly." Nodding, he slipped into the turbolift and sped his way to Deck 2.

=/\= A post by... =/\=

Captain Björn Kodak
Commanding Officer
USS Sojourner


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