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The Gov

Posted on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 11:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Captain Björn Kodak & Lieutenant Margarar

Mission: Stardust and Sin
Location: Just outside of The Governor's Office
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 2030

[Hukatuse Tagumik]
[Governor's Office]
[MD 2 - approx 2030]
[Immediately following Needle in a Haystack]

It hadn't taken them long to sort out the location of the Governor's office. It had, however, taken some doing to navigate there. The location of the man, who they had learned was a Talaxian named Raxol Dendrak, was at the epicenter of the station's bustling marketplace. The marketplace, referred to as The Exchange, was situated near the middle of the station, numerous decks higher than the deep belly of the place where they'd encountered the two unusual aliens at The Gravity Well bar.

They'd taken the lifts -- Emni receiving a few check ins from teams as they went -- before finding themselves amidst the teeming press of bodies and noise that made up The Exchange. To Emni the place felt like walking into a wall of sound. The press of bodies was not so tight that they couldn't walk, but it was certainly true that they couldn't walk three abreast. Emni, Durand, and Bridgeport made up a sort of close linked chain with the security officer taking up the rear and Emni at the front. Her empathic sense was tamped down tightly so that the barrage of unfamiliar emotional fingerprints was more like a low murmur than a torrent of emotions. Even then, it was clear that everyone here was on edge and the Romulan woman found it difficult to separate the sensation from her own emotional state.

Of the several check ins along the way one had come from the Sojourner herself; a message letting her know that Lieutenant Margarar, who had been detained with an urgent engineering task after their transit through the nebula, had been dispatched and would meet them at their destination. They'd settled on lingering near a stand just to the right of the Governor's established home base and, in an attempt to blend in, each held a stick of some sort of grilled meat.

"Any sign of Lieutenant Margarar?" Emni asked, not exactly directing the question to either officer so much as filling the space while they waited.

Bridgeport -- who was mid-bite but held an answer -- chewed the rest of the meat morsel in his mouth at warp speed and then swallowed. "Petty Officer Jenkins is on his way with her," he said, gesturing up to his earpiece. He'd been communicating with the various security teams and officers with it, directing their movements and actions and keeping abreast of various goings-on. "Should be arriving any time now, I'd say. In fact," he pointed to the south, "there they are now."

Walking beside the Antican, the Petty Officer Bridgeport had mentioned -- a strapping human of no more than 22 by the looks of him -- strode up and nodded first to his immediate boss and then to t'Nai. "Sorry for the delay, sirs," Jenkins said. "There were a lot of crowds between the Sojourner and here. I thought about just trying to run right through it, but figured that might draw too much attention down on us. So, we took our time and pretended to shop a little to throw off anyone watching us."

"Good thinking," Bridgeport nodded, approving of the plan. "Head back to the Sojourner. Let me know when you've made it back safely," the security chief ordered.

"Aye sir," Jenkins nodded. With a parting glance to his charge and the others, the Petty Officer turned about and headed back the way he and Margarar had come.

The Antican had a scowl on her face and her eyes appeared to be a bit more weathered than the last time that anyone saw her. Whatever had detained her in Engineering took a toll on her, whether she was willing to admit it or not (and most likely, she would not admit it). The fact that the Petty Officer spoke before her and did not allow her to run through the crowd, despite his misgivings did not make her feel any better about the situation. "Young pup," she whispered in a disbelieving and slightly infuriated tone. If only they would get off her lawn. After all, peeing on it only made acid spots and yellowed perfectly good green grass.

"I apologize for the delay," Margarar explained to the others. "While I did not necessarily agree with the Petty Officer's strategy, it did give me the opportunity to get some fresh meat into my stomach." She smiled, showing her sharp canines, which had a bit of red stuck between them still on her left side. "Catch me up," she instructed the others.

Emni caught the instructing tone of the Lieutenant and raised an eyebrow, but opted to take it in stride. "So far two groups, ours included, report that the man who refers to himself as the Governor, is a solid lead for us. We're heading in to meet with him once you're briefed. He was seen with Kaldri in some sort of disagreement and our informant seems to believe this wasn't the first time that was the case. Ensign Balsam did track down the comm badge which seems to have changed hands in some sort of financial arrangement. It hasn't been recovered, but that's a consideration for later, after we find Kaldri."

Emni paused for a fraction of a second as if considering her next statement. "Some of our teams have found themselves in... unusual... circumstances," she continued. "We're hoping the Governor will be the key to sorting those out as well."

The Romulan lifted both eyebrows this time at the Antican woman. "Any questions?"

Margarar thought about the situation. "What do we know about this Governor or his relationship with Kaldri, other than the disagreement?"

"Very little," Emni confessed. "Their office is on the station map, so there's some official element to their title. And they are involved in at least some business dealings. Our contact saw the exchange because they were there to meet the Governor for a business conversation. Certainly this is a person with a great deal of influence throughout the station and we can draw some conclusions from that. Kaldri needed something and the Governor had the power to grant it. Perhaps she didn't have what he wanted or perhaps it was something he simply didn't want to grant. What, exactly, the nature of his relationship with Kaldri is remains unclear so we'll have to go find out."

"I'm afraid," Bridgeport spoke up, "we have another problem." He'd, of course, been with t'Nai as she spoke with Chief Oliveria via communicator en route to The Exchange. With Timmoz and his team imprisoned and the Captain and Drol now missing, they already had their share of difficulties to work through. He hated to add another but it couldn't be helped. "One of my security officers has ditched the team she was protecting. Petty Officer Mia," he clarified. "She was watching over Debbie and David. Debbie tells me Mia gave a sudden apology, tossed her combadge on the ground, and just took off. We've no way to reach her," he sighed, feeling as if the woman's dereliction of duty was somehow his fault. She was one of his officers, after all.

"Is there the possibility that Petty Officer Mia has a connection to the Governor?" Margarar asked considering an AWOL action to be unheard of. It simply was not in an Antican's nature to betray one's clan.

Emni's eyebrows knit in consternation. From what little she knew of the Orion woman this was a sudden and surprising departure from the usual. There'd been too many different factors in play and now.. She grimaced at the thought of tracking down a lone security officer on a station this size; particularly one who may or may not have the kind of skills that Emni had found Timmoz, whom she knew much better, to have.

"I don't know about a connection to the Governor," Emni said slowly, looking at Bridgeport expectantly, "but if there is then we need to get that sorted now. There's already too many of our crew in troubling situations to simply pause on this point." She paused, the look she was giving Bridgeport deepening to impatience before adding, "Your recommendation Lieutenant?"

"Let me try to track her down," Bridgeport offered. "I...sort of know her. I know how she thinks. I might be able to find her and get to the bottom of why she left." He gestured then to his earpiece, "I can still coordinate the teams while I do that and, besides," he offered frankly, "I don't think you need me to talk to this Governor or whatever he is. I'll have one of my officers join you though, just in case." He looked as if he wanted to break into a run to start the search but he waited for permission.

Emni looked Bridgeport over, curiosity at the sudden spike of urgency that came from the man flooding her even as she worked to keep her face neutral. "Of course," she nodded. "That does seem wise. We'll go ahead in. Ask your officer to announce themselves and be brought through if we're already with the Governor when they arrive."

To the others she nodded. "Let's get this over with then," she said, and tossing the little bit that was left of her food into a nearby disposal, led the way up the steps and into the building.

Margarar licked her chops, the piece of meat caught in her teeth starting to bother her. "Do any of you happen to have a bit of floss on hand?" she asked slightly irritated. "I would hate to meet a Governor when I am in this state."

[15 minutes later]

It had taken a moment to find something that would work for Margarar's teeth. Floss isn't exactly the same for Anticans as it is for other races with a less carnivorous bent. Nonetheless, 15 minutes later, they were back at the steps to the Governor's office, Emni once again leading the way past a set of double doors that opened into a sort of small foyer. Another set of double doors and the group found themselves in a lavishly appointed lounge-like room. The waiting room, for it could be nothing other than this, shone with the light of bright metallic gold. Golden scrollwork lined the crease where the floor met the ceiling and curved almost sensuously around the windows. A heavy looking wooden door--a marvel in its own right-- was closed behind a broad desk where yet another unfamiliar species of alien sat working busily at a terminal.

What the alien behind the desk was doing was unclear, but after they had entered, stood awkwardly just inside the door for a few moments... and then a few moments longer... they waved a long thin arm in the direction of the sumptuous chairs and couches along the walls. "Be with you in a moment," the creature said with the clipped business like tone of someone who was either bored or just used to so many visitors that even those whose races were significantly less common to the Delta Quadrant didn't even warrant a glance.

Emni glanced between Margarar and Durand before nodding in the direction of the seats, settling herself into one, though she only perched on the very edge of it. Another long minute passed with the almost held breath feeling of waiting with no real clear indication on the appropriate next steps. Even Emni found herself flummoxed as the emotional makeup of the unfamiliar species in the room proved difficult to understand, giving impressions that conflicted and shifted like vision swimming after looking too long at a bright light.

Finally, she stood and stepped up to the desk itself, waiting politely for a moment before clearing her throat. As she did her eye was drawn to a gold statuette seated on a pedestal next to the door--a near perfect representation of a bearded Talaxian man, round at the waist bordering on portly.

The creature at the desk looked up impatiently at Emni's vocalization. "Your appointment isn't for another 10 minutes," It quipped, irritation coating its voice.

Emni's expression shifted toward confusion. "I think you may have me confused with someone else," she commented. "We've not been here long enough to make an appointment."

More irritation from the long limbed alien who swiped at the console with unnaturally flexible fingers. "Starship in dock 12?" It asked, boredom creeping in alongside it's annoyance.

Emni nodded, brows knitting before adding, "Yes."

"The Governor doesn't miss much on this station," the alien said. Their tone suggested they were speaking to someone quite young, or perhaps someone with less social capacity than the XO--as if she was a rude child who needed to be corrected. "Your appointment is in 10 minutes." Then, seeming to remember themselves they added, "Can I get you something to drink?" in a voice that belied any kind of actual desire to do that very thing.

"No," Emni said, having smoothed her features toward doctor's neutrality. "Thank you."

The Antican answered as she sat down, "Water." There was no please or niceties; however, Margarar was not known for tact. I feel like prey. I do not like being hunted. She casusually started looking around the room trying to ascertain where she was being watched from.

"Water?" the being retorted, a scandalous look flitting over her aquarian features. "Surely you are being less than serious. Unless, of course, you have the metal to pay for such." She looked the Antican up and down before her eyes regarded t'Nai and the rest as well.

None of the party looked rich enough to afford such actual water and, thus, the secretary pointed to a communal drink cooler with small, paper-cube glasses stacked next to it. Inside the cooler was a deeply green liquid that seemed to have hairy bubbles glopping up from the bottom.

"You asked what you could get me. I answered," the Antican replied. "If you did not intend to get it for me, why offer?" She looked over at the green liquid with hairy bubbles and turned her nose up at it.

The creature behind the desk seemed to study Margarar for a long moment before turning their gaze back to Emni. Their eyes again slid back to the Antican and, with a puzzled and slightly affronted tone, said, "I offered to this one." And then with one many jointed finger, the alien pointed clearly at Emni before turning back do their work with a finality that suggested that they would say nothing more.

It was then that the Governor poked his head out out of what must have been the entrance to his office. Laureled in gold trimming around the door, the fat Talaxian looked at t'Nai and her people with something akin to deviousness. With a smile too slippery to be sincere, the man ushered forward with his hands. But when the whole party began to move his way, Dendrak shook his head and said a very definitive "No" while making a stopping gesture with his hands.

"I will see your group's leader. I believe that is you," the Governor inclined his head towards t'Nai. He gestured then to Durand, Margarar, and the two security officers who'd arrived to replace Bridgeport. "You may bring one of these others with you but that is all. I only have so many chairs, you see," he smirked, hooking his thumbs under the lapels of his incredibly expensive-looking (for Hukatuse) suit and tugging on them.

Unlike other Talaxian males -- who reveled in the length and fullness of their whiskers -- Dendrak oddly bore no facial hair and his sideburns were of short length indeed. Refusing the fluffy, mullet-esque hairstyles popular with his people, the Governor instead wore his hair completely slicked back with some kind of gel. This was obvious because despite his attempt to look well-coiffed, a clump of said gel had apparently been left un-massaged into his hair. The blue glob just sort of sat atop Dendrak's head, its bearer unaware.

"I've not got all day," the Governor snorted, having barely even given the Commander a chance to make her choice. "Decide quickly and then come inside." And with that, he ducked back into his office, leaving Emni and the others in his expectant wake.

A small guttural growl escaped from Margarar. She did not trust this Governor and definitely did not like that she was referred to as 'one of these others.' She also did not like that this Governor was purposely trying to separate them. Margarar was not the leader and that was more than satisfying for her. She was a follower by nature and so she would wait for her instructions. She gave a mournful gaze over at Commander t'Nai.

With a sigh Emni pointed to one of the two security officers. "Come on then," she said, pulling on a bit of stoicism that gave made her Vulcanoid heritage stand out... though toward the wrong branch of the very long ago shared heritage. To Durand, Margarar, and the remaining security officer, she added, "Hopefully this won't be long. Thank you each for your patience." And with that, the XO turned and disappeared through the gold embellished doorway.

For all the time that the meeting had taken – no more, perhaps, than 30 minutes – Emni couldn’t help feeling as if she’d just been through a mental gauntlet when she stepped back into the waiting area of the Governor’s offices. All three remaining officers had looked up at her arrival, trailed by the security officer who had gone with her and, without a great deal of fanfare, she’d advised them that they needed to return to the Sojourner with a not insignificant amount of haste.

On their way they’d rendezvoused with part of the team that had been led by Lieutenant Timmoz. The Orion flight chief was being rushed to the station’s medical facilities. It had been far from the kind of solution Emni had wanted. The prisoners had been freed before the state of them had been reported back to the Governor and so it was after the fact, when she had already pressed on the Talaxian man’s vanity and great sense in building a station in between two natal stars to get them released. His generosity, it seemed, only went so far and he lacked a willingness to arrange for immediate site to site transport.

It had been a long shot to begin with, but Emni was nonetheless in a dark mood as she filled Margarar, Durand, and the second security officer in on what had happened while they rushed to rendezvous with the others.

It was, after all of the effort they had made to look inconspicuous, the largest gathering of crew members in one place since they had disembarked even as half of them were still scattered about the station.

Hasty details had finally been exchanged like puzzle pieces settling into the last few open spots leaving only one obvious course.
Someone would have to go to the Welds in search of Kaldri.

A quick selection was made and sent on their way while the remaining crew made for the loading area and when the Sojourner’s dock finally came into view Emni wondered if she hadn’t managed a full deep breath the entire time.

With a sigh of relief she announced the arrival of her and the crew members with her and watched as each stepped onto the ramp. As she followed them at the rear she tapped her commbadge.

‘t’Nai to Olivera,” she said, relief and worry mingling slightly in her tone, “I’m on my way straight to you. I have news.”

=/\= A Mission Post By =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Margarar
Assistant Chief Engineer

With guest appearances written by Brad!


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