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Meet the New Boss

Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 7:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Lieutenant Victoria Cross

Mission: On the Road Again
Location: Lt. Commander t'Nai's office
Timeline: Mission Day 0 at 0730
Tags: backpost

The first day on the job on a new starship wasn't an experience Victoria was exactly used to, but the fresh knowledge from a five-year expedition on a much larger vessel aboard the *Rendlesham* softened the blow partly. Still, being a quadrant away from home and her wife was a new, tricky thing for her to learn.

Nevertheless, it didn't detract from her work. Having made her way to her station to report in and get a log of the current sensor and power readouts, she took a turbo-lift to Deck 2 and patrolled down the corridor to the door of the XO's quarters. Pressing the hail button to the side of the door, she took a step back and assumed a firm posture, her long arms crossing at the wrists behind her back.

She quickly slid a hand through her hair, then assumed her pose once again.

Emni was already on her second cup of coffee when the chime sounded announcing the arrival of someone outside of her door. The night prior had been one of the nights Karim had chosen to show up at her door in the middle of the night seeking someone to discuss the meaning of existence with. She knew, somewhere in the depths of her brain, that this process of talking things through was helpful--an exercise in logic that the Vulcan was using to reassert control of his emotions. But still... at that moment... she wouldn't have minded if he could have kept the existential angst to... perhaps... a mid afternoon conversation.

"Come in," the Romulan called, following the offer with a yawn before lifting her mug to her lips and sipping, putting the PADD held in her other hand down to be resumed later.

The door chimed as Victoria entered. "Good morning, sir, I am Lieutenant Victoria Cross, the ship's new Assistant Operations Chief. I have a ship-wide power systems diagnostics and output for you to go over for inspection, and I wanted to formally introduce myself. I served under Captain Rovik of the USS Rendlesham for five years, and I think the Sojo is a fine ship, sir."

Lieutenant Cross was preceded by the wash of new emotion that heralded the arrival of someone Emni hadn't yet had the opportunity to meet. New emotional signatures were always interesting and, almost unconsciously, she took note of the peaks of anxiety and longing intertwined with the brighter, warm professional pride and focus. Overall the woman that now stood before her bore struck her as having a brightly colored and warm emotional make up.

Standing up from the spot she had held on her couch she moved around the coffee table and extended her hand to the other woman, a warm smile lighting her features. "Lieutenant Cross," she said, the warmth of her expression leaching into her voice, "Commander t'Nai. It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome aboard."

Taking her superiors' hand, she peered down at her with a smile, giving the hand a shake. "Thank you, sir. I look forward to this commission, I think the Delta Quadrant has a limitless mystery to Starfleet and could offer a scientific and cultural treasure trove. I just wish the wormhole back home was more stable than once a month."

Emni felt a wave of that same longing roll through, and it sent her mentally back through the new officer's file. A wife. Back home. That was it. For a moment her own sense of longing crept back in, unannounced, and her grin slipped every so slightly. Perhaps Karim's extremes were wearing off on her. She couldn't be sure, but it certainly seemed as though Jori and Sulli were creeping back in from her memory more frequently of late.

Gesturing to the seating options -- the couch itself and a chair catty-cornered from it -- Emni indicated that the other woman should sit if she like. "Please, make yourself comfortable. Can I get you something to drink?" she asked, moving toward the replicator before adding, "You have close family back home, is that correct?"

"Uh, cuppa, please. Coffee, latte, please." Victoria took a seat, resting her hands on her knees. "That's right, sir, I have a mum and a wife at home in Brisbane, in-laws on Vulcan, though my mum-in-law is doing a restoration project at the Louvre at the moment. My wife toured with me on the Rendlesham for a five year your and honestly, it's starting to settle in, her absence, that is."

"But trust me, sir, it won't interfere in my duties. I'll just have to see it as a long distance relationship, encrypted messages and love letters. It's a star sailor's life for me, sir."

A crook at the corner of Emni's mouth as she ordered the lieutenant's latte and a second coffee for herself signaled her appreciation for both the woman's honesty and her upbeat commentary intended to cover over the longing she was projecting. A moment later Emni returned with beverages in hand, passing one to Victoria and then taking a sip of her own before sighing happily. "Didn't get nearly enough sleep last night," she said by way of explanation. "My blood may be 90% coffee at this point of the morning."

"Lots of folks who have family back home have created their own circles here as well. Surrogates if you will. If there's anything I can do to help you connect with other crew let me know. Our time out here can feel long and lonely, particularly when those we love most are on the other side of the Barzan." Or on the other side of the veil, she added mentally again feeling the spectres of Jori and Sulli rear up in her mind's eye.

"I of course would like friends, if that's what you're offering," She said, taking the cup of coffee and taking a drink, "And uh, I understand running on coffee. My father was a Starfleet Captain, and he wrote about how coffee kept him sane during some mornings. Said a ship's cat and coffee was all he needed until he met my mum. So uh, sir, is the Sojourner your first executive posting?"

Emni chuckled at the mention of a ship's cat. She'd heard rumors of the infamous Cat program that Midshipman Balsam was working on though she hadn't yet seen it. With the amount of holoprojectors on the Sojo she had a momentary image of a random cat wandering the corridors followed behind by the lanky cadet. If Cat was anything like Mood she would undoubtedly be a welcome addition.

In answer to the taller woman's question she nodded, taking a sip of her coffee before adding, "It is." Mug returned to the coffee table and Emni sat back slightly. For an odd moment she wasn't quite sure what to do with her hands before shifting position so she looked a bit more natural and was facing Cross more directly. "I was the Chief Medical Officer at her commissioning. And served with Captain Kodak on the Adelphi in Sickbay before that. But we lost our XO somewhat suddenly while on a mission and I was asked to step in. We made it permanent before we crossed through the wormhole. It's... certainly different from the work of a doctor. Though there's some similarities."

Leaning forward she picked the coffee back up and took another sip, keeping it in her hands this time. "Is there anything about the Sojourner and her crew you'd like to know? Any concerns as you get started?"

"Yes, err, yes, sir. I like to keep an active lifestyle, so is there a holodeck, or exercise quarters aboard the vessel? I know the ship is smaller than my old posting, but, well, you know, idleness is the workaholics' enemy." She gave the XO a slight smile.

Emni returned the smile with a slightly broader one. "You'll find both," she commented. "We're small, but we're also a deep space deployment so we have a fair number of comforts." Another sip of the coffee and she noted that she was quickly draining the cup. Setting it down she continued, "Both gym and holodeck are on deck 5. Naturally holodeck time is scheduled so that everyone can partake, but it's not typically hard to get a time slot." She eyed the other woman for a moment. "And if you need something less active, but you're craving a bit of flora we have an Arboretum on deck 2."

"What do you do for leisure, personally? I try for the body and mind thing, keeping my fitness and intellectual pursuits active. And you know, social activity. I'm gonna try to make friends, mate. Get some pals in the holodeck and act like the Kelly gang. Maybe you would like to join up?"

In a distinctly Vulcanesque reaction Emni's right eyebrow crept upward at the suggestion. Unlike Vulcans, though, the eyebrow was met with a smile of appreciation and amusement. "I can't say I'm familiar with the Kelly gang."

"During the 1880s and 70s, the Kelly Gang was a notorious band of ruffians and robbers in Australia, about the same general time as the American 'Wild West.' Ned grew up in the 1860s, poor, and destitute, and started a life of a wandering member of a gang of thieves at 14. Some folks see him as a folk hero, some as a murderer and last gasp of a non-civilised society, I see him somewhere around the middle. He's one of a few historical figures I like to research. His holodeck stuff happens to be the most gung-ho and fun, though."

"I like the camping, the frontier aspect. Maybe playing a trail-dust covered crook a little." She laughed.

Emni laughed along. She appreciated the way it seemed as if Cross was relaxing into the conversation, a touch of the homesickness that flowed from her softening. "I'd certainly be willing to give it a try," she commented. "Can't say I'm familiar with Australian folk lore, but I never mind learning something new."

"When I've got the time I'm a fan of kal-toh," Emni commented, belatedly answering the question she'd been asked before the Kelly gang entered the conversation. "And I enjoy reading." She considered a moment, realizing how sedate and... boring... she must sound.

"Oh, kal-toh, my nemesis. My brother in law is a monk, and he brings out the set every time we visit Vulcan. Says it's good for my patience. I know he's just being passive aggressive. What do you enjoy reading about?"

Emni chuckled, a memory of the first time she'd played the game with Karim bubbling to the surface. She'd interrupted his game, more correctly, and he'd been derisive about the likelihood that she could keep up. "I have a very good friend who can be a bit passive aggressive about the game as well. I particularly enjoy surprising him when I know what I'm doing. Happy to offer some tips if it's ever of interest," she offered.

"Books are always good. I'll read just about anything. But I prefer... escapist literature. I've seen my share of loss and ugliness, so I tend toward books where the main character wins in the end... even if there is a great deal of adversity in between."

"There's a lot to be said for how the written word allows us to escape. I'm sure I've painted my life in a rosy manner, but believe me, mate, I've had my share of hardship and pain. I know the weight my last name carries in some circles. My father's is etched on the Dominion War memorial. To escape, to be given the chance to dream of escaping it all, I think that's a normal, primal thing that comments most sentients. You know, except for the Borg and Jem'Hadar."

Settling back into her seat Emni's expression turned thoughtful. "I'm not sure I agree with you. I mean... about the Borg and the Jem'Hadar. Perhaps their makeup pushes against such thoughts, but I'm not sure it's all encompassing." One long finger tapped her knee, thoughtful. "It would be interesting to research that more deeply. I'm afraid I've encountered few of either race, so can't speak to first hand experience. Still, the research taking place now..."

The Romulan's voice trailed off as her expression shifted far away for a moment, lost in a thought. It was only a moment though before she shook her head and nodded to Cross. "I'm sorry for the loss of your father. Losing family is..." she paused, searching for the right word, "deeply painful."

"It was. Still is. I suppose it's ultimately why I'm here and not an oceanographer or baker or something. I suppose many of us in Starfleet are like me, exploring the stars, pushed on by losses and things that shaped us. I know he'd be proud of me, and that's enough for me. Maybe if I get my time in the chair in ten or twenty years, too." She chuckled.

This last caught Emni's attention particularly. "Ah, are you on the command track then?" she inquired. "I can help with some bridge duty to work toward your bridge command test if you'd like."

"Well, sure, I would appreciate that. Yes, I'm on the command track, I like to think. I excelled in leadership command testing in the Academy, or so my instructors told me. Thank you. I'll do my best to do the Sojourner proud."

Emni grinned at that. "No doubt you will Lieutenant," she said and then stood. "Would you like some more tea?"

=/\= A Mission Post By =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Victoria Cross
Assistant Chief Operations Officer


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