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Post 32 - Pit Stop

Posted on Mon Apr 12th, 2021 @ 11:01pm by Lieutenant JG Heather Kowal & Lieutenant Chaali & Ensign Noah Balsam
Edited on on Tue Apr 13th, 2021 @ 12:28am

Mission: The Waiting Game
Location: 4.2 LY Spinward from the Argolis Cluster; Starship Sojourner, Starship Valiant
Timeline: Shoreleave Day 77

"All stop," Lieutenant Chaali sat in the center chair, its girth built to the Captain's specifications was too ample for her lithe frame. The Bolian didn't don any of her signature wigs, her. Her hands draped upon the armchair rests, gaze shifting to the yellow-tinged holographic board to her right. She figured a few of its photonic interfaces, her normally bright demeanor turned conflicted.

"All stop Lieutenant," the Kelpien Ensign at the Helm stated, confirming. The stars, once streaking ebbs of light in a tunnel of relativistic speed, bore its black and pinprick whites of normal space. And as if haloing it, the Sojourner loomed near Defiant-class vessel. The comm console to Chaali's rear and side chirped but the station was unmanned with such a skeleton crew. Chaali overrode the controls with the command chair holo-display.

"This is the Federation starship Sojourner. This is Captain Chaali in temporary command. How can we be of assistance?"

"Sojourner, this is Valiant, Captain Maksim. We have a last-minute trio of personnel transfers for you, and we were in the neighborhood. Request permission to beam them over."

Chaali blinked her turquoise, hairless lids lined with navy eyeliner. She pushed the comm channel again, "Permission granted. Give us a few moments to round up a specialist. We are operating on low power and a skeleton crew until we reach Risa."

Acknowledge Sojourner, we'll standby for your signal."

Chaali tapped the comm into mute and switched the channel. "Bridge to Engineering."

The young voice that rose had a moment of a crack- and a rather loud crash behind it. Chaali winced and with a grimaced hiss over the comm, it seemed the speaker did too, "Uhh Eng-Engineering here, Ma'am. What can we do, uh, do for you, Lieutenant?"

Chaali smirked into a cheek warmly, "Noah, do you have anyone you can spare down there? I need a transporter specialist. We have the Valiant 22,000 kilometers off our port at the moment."

There was another crash and someone shouting about using the brake override. "Uhh... just, um, well, me, Ma'am. They're having a disagreement with an anti-grav sled and I think its winning."

Chaali rose elegantly and tugged her skant down neatly, "I'd appreciate it. Take a walk, Midshipman. Let me know when they're aboard. Bridge out." She bent and turned off the comm. She rested her hand on the Kelpien helmsman's shoulder, "That boy is in over his head right now."

"Um, Valiant this is Sojourner. We're ready on our end," Noah said into the comm, his fingers rapping through the tail end of a diagnostic check. All was green.

We're in place here," a bored-sounding officer said.

"Right..." Noah said toward his chest. He sighed and then breathed in, taking both hands to the holographic before him. He concentrated. He'd used the transporter a few times but it was by far not his specialty. Still, it was a system and he was reasonably sure he could figure it out with the minimal loss of the ends of anyone's extremities. Tapping at the transporter lock, he focused the matter stream and then pulled the haptic-feed of the holographic display down.

Three nuggets of blue and white static grew on the transporter pads, gradually spriting outward into wisps and orbs that assumed human forms. Three officers appeared. Once the transport was done, Noah took hands off the controls- and breathed out. "Uh, welcome aboard the Sojourner." he said with a polite nod to the three, putting his hands behind his back. He smiled his too wide for his face, overbite smile. His smile faded and he moved...

... And swiped off the holographic display that blocked clear sight of him. It disappeared in a scrolling blink sideways. Noah smiled again.

"Thanks," Heather said, looking for the voice that came from the other side of the display. She smiled at him when the display disappeared and then stepped down from the platform. "I was starting to wonder if you guys didn't want us to come aboard," she joked," as she looked around the transporter room. It was certainly even more spacious than the Valiant's even if the Sojourner wasn't exactly a big ship.

"Our personal belongings should be coming over as well," Heather informed the Midshipman.

Noah was still stuck on the first part, his dark eyes shifting to Kowal and her two companions. “Um,” he managed. “S-sorry Ma’am, we’re very short-handed. We have uh, only a skeleton crew aboard. We’re operating on minimal re, uh, resources.” He nodded and circumnavigated the transporter console. He started slinging bags over narrow shoulders and hoisting belongings into his hands.

“I was just teasing,” she said, feeling a little guilty for her comment now. She nodded to her two crewmates from Valiant who were making their way out of the room. “I’m Lieutenant Kowal, nice to meet you, Midshipman.”

Noah’s large brown eyes cast up to the woman with a blink, “Oh uh, its... it’s fine. Nice to meet you too Ma’am. Umm...” He twisted and picked up a last piece of luggage. “Go out this door and left and down the corridor. You’ll find turbo lift one and it’ll take you to the Bridge. Lieutenant Chaali is in command right now.”

"Perfect, thanks," she said, before heading in the direction the midshipman indicated.

Heather made her way up to the bridge in search of the officer that was currently in command. She had taken a few moments to watch the Valiant depart with her friends, colleagues, and on-and-off-again lover head off into space. It was certainly a different experience already more crew and space than the defiant she'd served on since graduating from the academy. In her mind, it took much longer for her to make her way there which really was not true at all but the imagination did get the best of you at times.

Confidence was normally something that flowed from Heather though for some reason she couldn't help but wonder what the senior officers on this ship would be like. Would she fit in so quickly and fluidly as she had on the Valiant? Would she be as successful in her new role? Would she tank her career?

"Stop it," she said, quietly to herself. She nodded to the crewmember who had glanced to her after her uttered word drew their attention. "Hey," she said, quietly, glad the doors parted as she stepped off and onto the bridge. She stood toward the back for a few minutes looking around at the bridge realizing that she'd been noticed by at least one member of the bridge crew which wasn't particularly surprising as the ship had come to a complete stop to bring her aboard. She took a breath and moved across the bridge making sure that no matter her thoughts it looked like she was doing it confidently.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Heather Kowal, Chief Operations Officer, reporting for duty, ma'am," she said, to the acting Captain. She stood at attention, unsure of how formal this ship was, but knowing that it was certainly acceptable in the circumstance.

Chaali turned at the new officer to welcome her, blue eyes gazing at the towheaded stranger. Her hairless blue eyebrows rose in surprise, “I think there’s been a mistake, Lieutenant.” She said with a cautious air, eyes blinking with only a small fade of her welcome smile, “I’ve been assigned as the Chief of Operations.”

The Bolian puzzled and pivoted, “We’ll work this out. We’re short-handed right now,” she said as the ship jumped back in to warp. “But we can at least assign you quarters and get you up to speed.”

“Interesting,” she said, simply, wondering if she would end up going backward in her career path because of this mistake. “I mean, either way, I’m here and capable and you’re short-handed so whatever I can do for you, ma’am,” she said, with a smile.

Chaali shifted out of the seat meant for Kodak’s girth, “We can use the help,” Chaali replied. “We have less than a skeleton crew aboard and this ship is just off the line. We’re only just now starting to find the bugs.”

"If you can point me in a direction of what you need done most and where to stow my belongings I'll get that done and then to work?" Heather offered.

Chaali energetically whipped around the Human, heading toward the wall bank that was Ops. She snatched a PADD from its surface and, with a flick, the yellows and oranges of holographic LCARS appeared. “Well we need to get you access codes first...” she said, looking at the blonde through the holographic interface. “The Quartermaster’s in Cargo Bay 1 on Deck three, near the aft of the saucer section.” She tucked the PADD under her arm, “Ensign, you have the Bridge.” She called to the Kelpien at the Helm.

“Yes Ma’am,” he gestured with long-fingered, graceful sways of a hand.

Chaali nodded, “You’re with me,” Chaali said as she proceeded over to the turbolift. She swept inside the lift. “Deck three.”

Heather had followed Chaali and when they were in the lift she leaned against its wall. "So is the ship newly commissioned?" she asked, not familiar with it or the time in preparing to transfer to really look at information about it. The transfer had come a bit suddenly and the orders had come mid-mission.

Chaali bobbed her head, "So new the paint is still wet, as you Humans say," when the turbolift didn't immediately move, Chaali frowned. She sighed and tapped her badge, "Noah are you back in Engineering yet?"

There was a sound that sounded like dragging metal and muffled voices. Chaali winced. Over the comm came a sigh, "Uh no Ma'am. Not yet. We're stuck in a turbolift."

Chaali grimaced, "Ah ha. And turboilift two on the Bridge isn't moving. Sounds like we have a system-wide malfunction."

Noah pushed out a breath. Chaali could just picture the youth rummaging at his hair on the back of his head. "Um. OK. Right, that's. That's bad. I'll contact the um, computer core. Standby." Before the channel was cut, Noah could be heard saying, "OK now just pull down on that lever."

Chaali grimaced again at Kowal, "As I said. So new the paint's still wet."

Heather couldn't help but laugh a bit, "I think I'm going to love this ship."

Chaali giggled as well, "It's already getting a personality. Either way, welcome aboard."


A Post By:

Lieutenant Heather Kowal

Lieutenant Chaali

Midshipman Noah Balsam


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