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Captain's Log: If We Tangle

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2024 @ 2:44pm by Captain Björn Kodak

Mission: Mean Green Queen
Location: USS Sojourner, Bridge
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 0700

[USS Sojourner]
[Main Bridge]
[MD 3: 0700 Hours]

Here we go again, Captain Kodak thought.

The Chameloid hated recording his logs on the Bridge -- mainly because flubbing and re-recording his words in front of his crew was embarrassing -- but it was standard procedure, unless said log was to contain sensitive information meant only for the ears of the Admiralty. Then, of course, he had permission to record such missives from the privacy of his ready room or quarters. But such was not the case today as the Captain sat down in his chair to record a log at the start of his shift

Reaching for the controls of his arm chair, the eye sore of the new LCARS interface winked back at Captain, almost as if laughing at his discomfort. Kodak narrowed his eyes in a glower at the glowing panel and jammed the record button especially hard for good measure.

"Captain's log," Kodak rattled off the stardate, sounding only slightly annoyed. "After two days at high warp, we've put some distance between ourselves and Hukatuse Tagumik. So far at least, there've been no indications that First Maje Subrek and the Kordra-Lisrit are in pursuit. Not according to our long range sensors, in any event. Our guess is that they stopped there for the same reason we did -- to find Kaldri. And, knowing the Maje, probably punish those bounty hunters for letting Droll and I escape."

"What Subrek and Hukatuse's Governor don't know," he continued, "is that Kaldri isn't on Hukatuse. She's here, with us. At least for the time being. After giving her a quiet couple of days to have her injuries and malnutrition addressed, I've set a meeting with her for later today. I'm hopeful that she can help us to better understand the First Maje," Kodak leaned back slightly in his chair and crossed his right leg over his left, "especially since he's likely learned we bought his stolen shuttle. I don't think he'll be happy about us pouring over that little ship."

"Speaking of which," the Captain tugged at the neckline of his uniform -- once again an actual garment vs. his own skin, in deferment to his partner's preferences -- and said, "Chief Oliveria and his people have begun to go over said shuttle. The hope is that we'll gain some insights into why Subrek's ship is so advanced. Getting the Sojo back to full readiness has taken the bulk of the time the last couple of days," Kodak lamented, "but they've been poking and prodding some. They should be able to devote more resources to the project now that the ship is mostly back up to snuff, though."

The last was a phrase his dad would often use -- usually with pride in reference to little-kid Björn's having just cleaned his room. Kodak recalled how proud he, too, felt when his dad would use that phrase. In fact, he felt that pride now, the completed repairs to Sojourner giving him the same shot of satisfaction in the arm that his clean room used to. Kodak realized his mind was drifting -- perfect time for it -- and shook the memories away. Time and a place, he mentally mumbled.

"In other news," Kodak's tone took on a much more somber note, "Mr. Timmoz' battle back to us continues. Dr. Wang's latest report is that Timmoz remains stable but certainty of recovery is still very much touch and go. TImmoz took an incredible amount of punishment in that prison, and all in the name of completing his mission. For those listening who might sometimes doubt his dedication and loyalty, let this be a reminder, hmm?" He imagined the faces of those who kept watch over Timmoz' participation in Starfleet suddenly looking aghast at being called out. That was satisfying, too. "I hope he will recover," the Captain rasped, a slight hitch in his gravelly voice.

With a weary sigh, he looked down at the PADD he was carrying. "The board looks green for today," Kodak said, eyes tracing the various readiness reports on the screen. "Barring the unforeseen," he looked up again, "it's a clear path ahead to our next stop. Several days of uneventfulness is probably just what we need right now, to be honest. But we'll be staying at high warp to get where we're going, just in case Subrek is following without our knowledge. I'll feel better when I can confirm we've got some good distance between us. At least for now, while we're still investigating and analyzing. If we tangle again, I want to be ready."

=/\= A post by... =/\=

Captain Björn Kodak
Commanding Officer


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