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At What Price, Advancement?

Posted on Wed Nov 17th, 2021 @ 12:25am by Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai & Captain Björn Kodak
Edited on on Wed Nov 17th, 2021 @ 1:47am

Mission: Starbase Shoreleave
Location: USS Sojourner, Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 6 at 0900

[Ready Room]
[USS Sojourner]
[MD 6: 0900 Hours]

“Come,” Kodak said, looking up from the PADD he’d been studying. As the doors swished open to admit Lieutenant t’Nai, the Captain offered her a nod and gestured her to a seat in front of his desk. He, himself, stood, coming around his workspace to lean back on the desk, buttocks planted on the surface and holding him in place. “Thank you for meeting with me, Lieutenant. I wanted to talk to you about what’s happening with the XO position aboard this ship.”

Emni entered the Captain's Ready Room warily, making her way to the seat before his desk as he rose. She sat, hands folded in her lap, neutral doctor's expression on her face, though anyone close to her would pick up the hesitation in her eyes and she was sure that Kodak was amongst those few that could. Her emotional defenses with him were, as always, low and so it was with some curiosity that she noted he was trying, although with little success, to keep his emotions from her. The effect was a feeling of withdrawal surrounded by cautious hope. At his pause, the Romulan woman nodded. She was listening.

“I appreciate you stepping up the last couple of months,” Kodak began. “You’ve done a considerable job as our acting Executive Officer, Emni. I think you’ve done better than anyone could have expected given the circumstances — and that includes me,” the Chameloid appended. “That said, Starfleet has a new Executive Officer waiting for us at Pathfinder Station. He comes highly recommended and certainly has the skills we need in the role.”

An emotion flickered across her features, but it was quashed quickly. She wasn't surprised to learn that her replacement had already been chosen, and yet she had grown accustomed to her new posting. It felt like an extension of medical practice -- not just looking after the physical health of the crew, but looking after them in a broader way. Something bigger than their individual bodies and minds. "That is good news, then," she said, working to keep her tone neutral. "Will you notify Dr. Ryan Walsh..."

“Ah but here’s the thing,” the Captain warmly rasped, holding up a staying hand. “While I appreciate Starfleet’s attention to this matter, I’m the one who ultimately makes this particular call. And before I bring this person on, I wanted to check in with you. As I said,” Kodak continued, smiling now, “you’ve done an exemplary job. And if you want it,” he held out a small, black box lined with felt, opening it to reveal a hollow pip, “the position of Executive Officer aboard this starship is yours. We'd make it permanent with a rise in rank to Lieutenant Commander, with all the rights and privileges therein.”

“No pressure, of course,” the Chameloid shrugged lightly. “I know your passion is medicine and, if you’d like to return to being Chief Medical Officer, you’ve only got to say the word and it’s yours. But if you’ve enjoyed the challenge of taking on more,” his smile became a grin, “then I’d love to have you remain at my side as XO, Emni. But only if that's where your heart is at. I will be disappointed if you say 'no' but I promise, I will understand and not hold it against you in the slightest.”

She was quiet for a long moment, her expression hard to read as she studied the velvet box. The Romulan woman pressed her lips together briefly before looking up to meet Kodak's golden eyes. For a moment it looked like she might decline, uncertainty seeming to war across her features. But when she opened her mouth, her voice was warm. "I would be honored, sir," she said simply.

"Well that is a relief," chuckled the Captain. "To be honest, I wasn't sure what you'd say. Part of me hoped you'd say yes, but the rest...well, I know it can be hard to leave behind what you know. But I am so happy to hear you want to continue as my XO, Emni," Kodak breathed. "I realize this is all happening a bit fast but...that's kind of how it goes with these things. Here," he said, standing up again and moving to affix the new pip to the woman's collar. Once it'd been firmly planted, the Captain stepped back and nodded. "It looks good on you, Emni," he smiled wide, his relief at her decision palpable.

"In case you said yes, I had another one of these ready," Kodak said, moving behind his desk and procuring another velvet box in front of him. This one continued a solid pip. "For Dr. Ryan Walsh...assuming you feel he's up to the challenge? My understanding from Doctor Bracco is that, despite some challenges, the young doctor is very much fit for duty if we want him. Do we?" Kodak asked, coming around to fall into the chair next to Emni.

This time Emni nodded without hesitation. "I'm happy with his work as Acting Chief Medical Officer," she confirmed. "And he has made strides in making connections onboard. If you had asked me this question right after Cho'thil... we would be having a different conversation..." she trailed off with a shrug. "He has earned it and we'd do well to keep him," she concluded. "Would you agree, sir?"

"I think I would, yes," Kodak nodded quickly. "Space has a way of seasoning folks rather quickly at times. I just hope he continues to be up for whatever tasks befall us. We'll be a long time away from replacements, after all," the Captain half-warned, half-lamented. "Perhaps we should head down to Sickbay and deliver the good news? Assuming, of course," Kodak shrugged again, "he even wants the job permanently. It is his choice, after all," he nodded. Gesturing to the door, he asked, "Shall we?"

Emni stood, one hand absently going to her collar, fingers running across the two filled and one hollow pip. Though she had tried to maintain the mostly neutral facial expression of a doctor through much of the conversation this gesture, by itself seemed to cement the reality of what had just happened more than anything said or felt. She grinned broadly, turning to Kodak with a nod. "Let's," she said simply, smile echoing across her whole demeanor.

"Very well," Kodak smiled softly. "Lead the way, First Officer."

=/\= A joint-post by... =/\=

Captain Björn Kodak
Commanding Officer
USS Sojourner


Lieutenant Commander Emni t'Nai
Executive Officer
USS Sojourner


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