Ensign Eekit Drol

Name Eekit Drol

Position Security Crewman

Rank Ensign


  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Mon Jun 17th, 2024 @ 4:58am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cardassian
Birthplace Cardassia Prime

Physical Appearance

Height 1.8m
Weight 76kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description At nearly two meters, Eekit is tall by human standards, with a slim, but sturdy frame. Neither lanky nor curvy, she wears her height well, with well-muscled limbs built by a lifetime of effort and maintenance. She wears her black hair long, usually in some kind of a plait. A scar cuts into her hairline just past where the bony protrusion runs back from her browridges, a little V where hair no longer grows. Her features are unremarkable by Cardassian standards, neither beautiful nor ugly, though her ready smile could at once transform her plain face.


Personality & Traits


Service Record

Medical Profile