Ensign Grosh Frav
Name Grosh Frav
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Ensign
- 3 Mission Posts
Last Post
Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 12:30am
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Tellarite | |
Birthplace | Phinda City, Tellar Prime | |
Age | 29 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'10" | |
Weight | 200LBS | |
Hair Color | Black and maroon | |
Eye Color | Amber | |
Physical Description | Grosh is rather tall for a Tellarite. His height helps to balance his proportions, making him slightly more slender than a typical Tellarite. Grosh has relatively long black and maroon hair which he wears in traditional braids. |
Father | Tregg Frav (Deceased) | |
Mother | Leprag Frav | |
Brother(s) | Grilsh, Graq, Grup |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Grosh is mild mannered by Tellarite standards. He is steadfast on his duties and his passions. |
Ambitions | To one day work with the Starship Design Bureau |
Hobbies & Interests | Frav collects weaponry from various cultures. He enjoys cudgel ball, a Tellarite sport that features heavy contact and arguments. |
Personal History | Born in the slums of Phinda City on Tellarite Prime , Grosh is the first born before his three brothers. He was brought up in a broken household. His mother left when he was only 6, and began a new life and a new family. This left Grosh and his brothers to most often fend for themselves as their father was involved in organized crime. The boys would beg for money on the streets. Grosh sometimes took to selling his body to help support himself and his brothers. Meanwhile, Grosh (now 8 years old) found himself caught up in one of his Father’s plots to get money. The plan was to hold a prominent trade executive hostage for ransom. Grosh was used as bait to catch the man as he cruised around the slums. When his Father and his gang jumped the man they took the beating a little too far and the man died. Authorities were alerted to the disturbance, and as the gang tried to depart the scene security forces surrounded the gang and a shootout ensued. Grosh was able to slip away from the area and would not know for several hours that his Father and his cohorts were killed in the onslaught. By the time Grosh returned to the small apartment that he and his brothers were squatting in, Word had already reached the other boys about their father. It saddened Grosh to know that his brothers were essentially alone in the world. Grosh expressed that he wanted he and his brothers to go to school, to make themselves better people than their parents were. It took some creativity but the now nine year old Grosh and his three brothers attended formal school for the first time. They lived in a public funded children’s home and continued to strive for normal lives. The years passed without major consequence for the boys. As a teen Grosh decided to pursue a part time job at a local shuttle repair shop. The shop owner saw a bright future for Grosh and suggested he apply to Starfleet. He toyed with the idea for his future and eventually decided to apply to Starfleet Academy. He continued his final year of schooling on Tellar Prime while awaiting response on his application. His interview process was rigorous. He sat all the required interviews, tests, and physicals. After what seemed like an eternity he was accepted to Starfleet Academy. His years at the Academy were relatively smooth, although some aggression was noted when on special exercises. Nevertheless, Grosh graduated from the Engineering track with focus in Propulsion systems. After a short wait, the newly minted Officer was posted to the USS Sojourner where he served as a general Engineering Officer |