Lieutenant Charles Bridgeport

Name Charles Bridgeport

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer*

Rank Lieutenant


  • 13 Mission Posts
  • 3 Personal Logs

Last Post

Tue Aug 15th, 2023 @ 8:30pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Birthplace Earth - Chicago
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5/9”
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Light coffee coloured half white half black male. Dark short curly hair. With Green eyes and a slightly better than average body. Looks capable of taking care of himself.


Spouse None
Children None
Father John Bridgeport
Mother Maria
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family TBD

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kind considerate and caring. Treats people as he wishes to be treated. Focused on the now.
Strengths & Weaknesses Very serious about his job. Can be a control freak on occasion.
Security matters are no laughing matter. Not paying attention to detail could get someone killed.
Ambitions To excel in his field and someday find happiness. Maybe Captain his own ship.
Hobbies & Interests Fascinated by the Delta Quadrant. Loves flying and all motor sports. Practices mixed martial Arts to stay in shape.


Personal History Charles has a sturdy psychological profile. His ability to focus on the job at hand has served him well over the years.

He finished his high school and went straight to Star Fleet academy. Upon finishing his four years, he went on his first assignment on Earth as a Star Fleet Security / Investigations Officer where he worked close with SF Intel dealing with Organised crime on Earth from groups like the Orion Syndicate amongst others.

They also worked close with city Police Forces in the capture and transporting of HVT (High Value Targets) and well known terrorist.

After a few years, he headed out into space where he’s been till present when he got orders for the USS Sojourner.

Service Record

Service Record Star Fleet Academy

Star Fleet Security (Earth)

USS Sojourner

Note: dates and times to follow.

Medical Profile