Lieutenant Danica True

Name Danica True

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer*

Rank Lieutenant


  • 7 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri Jun 24th, 2022 @ 1:55am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Anakei
Birthplace Dusani IV
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 5.7"
Weight 125 pounds
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Midnight Blue/Nearly Black
Physical Description Possessed of a long-distance runner's physique, she has an extremely low percentage of body fat and a strong heartbeat. She wears her hair long in keeping with Azhadi traditions though she no longer wears the Je'tai as she once did. While her expression can seem cold, unknowable to strangers, her smile around those she considers part of her edun is transformative. She has a runic tattoo on her right hip that signifies her as an Azhadi warrior. Like all of the Anakei, her hair is black. Other than her hair, she has almost no body hair. Off duty, she favors a monochromatic wardrobe - largely black with some gray and white. While she no longer carries her sword, she does wear his knife -- always.

-- Functional, nictitating membranes to protect the eyes from wind-blown grit
-- Can see in low-light conditions (eye structure similar to feline - Pupils are slightly more elliptical than round and can push more light into the eyes in darkness. Pupils dilate significantly to allow the most light to be let in at night. Can expand their pupils by 135 fold versus 15 times for most humanoids. Also has a layer of tissue, tapetum lucidum, which is shiny blue reflective surface that acts as a retroreflector, reflecting light back into the eye and giving her an even higher ability to see in darkness (also makes her eyes shine a bit in darkness). Can also see UV light which allows her to see things like patterns in flowers and urine trails in nature (among other things).
-- Sensitive hearing.
- Exceptional Reflexes combined with an innate sense of those around her. Among her own, the Azhadi have this eerie ability to move as one. It’s not something she's been able to achieve since being forced to leave her people.
- Long-lived species. Retains youthful appearance until around the age of 200 and then begins to age normally. At 45, among her own people, she is considered relatively young.
- Four-lobed brain that is far more compact than a Ferengi brain and without the enlarged head. Difficult if not impossible to read telepathically; Betazoids would find their minds very alien and uncomfortable. While not telepathic, the Anakei, and especially the Azhadi, know when they are being read.

- Highly sensitive taste buds. Spicy foods are extremely difficult for them to tolerate; home cuisine would be considered bland to outworlders.
- Allergic to spider venom even when it's non-poisonous.
- Can be ordered to forget everything she knows by someone she perceives as equal to the Imai. At present, there is no one who holds that position in her life.


Spouse None
Children Father to 27 Children
Father 38 "Fathers"/Biological Unknown
Mother Xenthi
Brother(s) Unknown Concept
Sister(s) Unknown Concept
Other Family Unknown Concept

Personality & Traits

General Overview Among the Anakei, she was considered a capable warrior who laughed easily and often. Like all the Azhadi, she trained long and hard; by the time she earned her tattoo and was accepted as a warrior, she had come to terms with the fact that her life would be short. To serve the Imai was enough. She was raised to be absolutely loyal to the Imai and to maintain a rigid self-control. The Imai’s betrayal and the subsequent banning of the Azhadi from Dusani IV put her into something of a tailspin. The pillars of obedience and loyalty, the foundation upon which her life had been built, were knocked out from under her. The absolute trust she placed in the Imai, mother of the people, was violated, ripped from her, in a single day.

With time and effort, she has rebuilt her life. At heart, she is an explorer who is endlessly curious though she struggles sometimes to fit her life as it is now into the beliefs and structure for which she was trained from birth.

She is honest and straight-forward though slow to open up about things that matter. She no longer trusts easily but does have a strong sense of personal honor. Simply put, she cannot be made to do a thing she considers morally wrong. Among the Azhadi, it's said, 'true patience means bearing the unbearable' and she is patient.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
-- Excellent fighter either with bladed weapons, in hand-to-hand combat or with energy weapons
-- Learns languages easily. Spoke common and high Anakei. Learned Federation Standard after leaving the home world. Required to learn the language of those the Imai sent her to serve. In total, she speaks seven languages.
- Works well in a team and has a good tactical sense.
- Learns quickly.

- Could not read or write when she entered the Academy. Had to take extra courses to catch up.
- Weak in sciences and in history.
- Allergic to spider venom.
- Mistrust of technology and a strong fear of being kept alive by machines. Very resistant to mental intrusion by counselors and by physicians in general. Prefers natural cures when possible.
- Will not speak the high tongue (forbidden for outworlders to know).

- Reading. Once she understood that knowledge was no longer forbidden, she became very interested in learning more about the Federation and about its enemies. Does not read fiction.
- Plays/theater. Sees it as reminiscent of the story telling that went on around the campfire.
- Exploring/seeing new places/learning
- Loves the peace she finds in the natural world

- Furniture in general. She prefers to sit/sleep on the ground but has adopted the Japanese system – Tatami Mat, Shikifuton (thin mattress), Kakefuton (duvet) and Buckwheat pillow.
- Colorful clothes. Much prefers to wear unrelieved black but that's softened somewhat over time. She will now sometimes wear gray or white as well.
- Intrusive telepaths/empaths who try to pull from her what she does not wish to share.
Ambitions This is not a word she understands.
Hobbies & Interests - Hard workouts. She needs to run long distances.
- Camping/hiking -- without luxuries. Send her out with a knife and she's happy.
- Reading. Always non-fiction.
- Shon'ai. Hasn't been able to play a good game in years and misses it


Personal History Collectively, they are called the Anakei (translated in common as 'the People'). All outworlders are called Ne'Anakeii (translated in common as 'not the people").

The tribe itself was divided into three castes:

Artisans and caregivers, the gentle Amrazi, who dressed in blue robes, were considered to be the heart of the tribe. As such, they were very nearly as well protected as the Imai herself. The Amrazi were never seen by outworlders or members of other tribes; and yet, within their own tribe, they were very much at the center of daily life. It was the Amrazi who set up the tents, raised the children, made sure that meals were served, and gave comfort and care to those who had need. While skilled, the Amrazi were not permitted to learn how to read or write.

Historians and scientists, permitted to know many of the tribe's mysteries and secrets, the Moaku, who dressed in golden robes, guarded their domain from all but the Imai. At one time, the Moaku were storytellers who shared what they could of the tribe's history around the nightly campfire. Over time, however, the caste chose voluntary segregation from the day-to-day life of the tribe. Like the Amrazi, the Moaku were never seen by outworlders although this was more their own preference than by command of the Imai. All Moaku know how to read and write. Moaku remain celebate throughout their lives.

Warriors, the Azhadi are described in many ways -- living weapons, the stars that shone bright though briefly, and the outward-turned face, among others. Dressed entirely in black, the Azhadi serve the Imai's will. Taken into the caste as children, training is long and arduous. Azhadi warriors are extreme runners who can run literally from sunrise to sunset. They are trained in hand-to-hand combat and with the use of bladed weapons. Distance weapons are considered cowardly; Azhadi warriors are taught to fight within reach of their own death. Every Azhadi must undergo and pass a series of trials before being accepted as a warrior of the caste. One of these trials is the creation of a longsword and dagger which are the only things an Azhadi carries. Those who fail the trials return to the Amrazi caste.

Azhadi own nothing except their weapons nor do they desire possessions. For an Azhadi, service is enough though, when the service is exceptional, the Imai may award an individual with a Je'tai (metal object usually in the shape of something familiar). The Azhadi wear their hair long with thin braids on either side; the Je'tai are attached to these braids. They carry their sword and dagger with them always. Dressed entirely in black, robes, pants, and soft boots, with their faces covered, the Azhadi are the ones who meet outworlders.

They are masters of edged weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and when in service, the weapons they use as mercenaries (while in service). While the Azhadi obey without question, it is also true that rather than commit what they consider to be a dishonorable act, an individual Azhadi will choose to commit suicide.

Head of the Tribe - the Imai:
Always female, in modern practice the Imai comes from the Moaku caste though, in centuries past, an Azhadi was sometimes chosen. The Imai is the only member of the tribe that is permitted to sit on a chair or a stool. The Imai is guarded by Azhadi warriors. If dishonored in any way or worse, threatened, the Azhadi act immediately usually by killing the offender outright. In her presence, one makes eye contact or speaks only when permitted to do so by the Imai. One must speak deferentially and quietly, with great respect.Outworlders may not bring weapons into her presence. The Imai can order an Azhadi to forget everything he or she knows.

Meeting Other Tribes

If two tribes meet and it is the will of either Imai, the First among the Azhadi for each tribe meet in combat to the death. For the losers, the Imai commits suicide and her children are absorbed into the winner's tribe. While such meetings were at one time infrequent, they became more common and usually included combat.

Azhadi can be sent into service, usually contracts undertaken with outworlders with terms dictated by the Imai. The Azhadi are relentless warriors who learn the technology of those they serve as well as their language. They live in an edun, separate from the aliens they serve, on neutral ground and will give everything they have toward completion of the contract, even if the contract takes generations to complete.

There is no concept of marriage among the Anakei. The Azhadi take comfort in the blankets of the Amrazi at night. Children of such matings belong to the tribe. Fatherhood is an honorary title and most children have many fathers. Female Azhadi are not permitted to bear children; to do so would require them to return to the Amrazi permanently.

Fierce in combat, at night around the home fires, the Azhadi laugh easily and long and they are always willing to play with the children. They live entirely in the moment, knowing that their lives could end at any moment. No Azhadi expects to live to old age.

The Mysteries
Every tribe has a screened area behind which are held 'the mysteries'. When a warrior dies, he lays for one night in front of the screened area, the closest he will ever get to the mysteries. In fact, only the Imai and the Moaku have any idea what lies behind the screen. For anyone else to enter that area is a death sentence.


A game played by tribal members. The children and the Amrazi play with smooth, rounded black stones. The Azhadi play with their knives. A chant begins and each member of the circle tosses a stone or knife on the beat and receives one at the same time. A skilled player can sit in a circle of ten and come away without injury. An Azhadi learns the game using metal rods and over time will graduate to using knives. One can be injured playing Shon'ai even fatally so; you cast and receive your fate with each throw.


Edun: A group of Azhadi sent into service are called an edun. The edun is established on neutral ground according to terms agreed upon in the contract. For long-term contracts, especially those that require generations to complete, the edun also includes Moaku, Amrazi, and an Imai.

Anakei: Their word for the people. You are either Anakei (the people) or Ne’Anakei (not the people or outworlder). Note that the Anakei speak two languages -- common and high speech. While common can be learned by outworlders, the high speech is forbidden to all but the Anakei themselves.

Ne’Anakei: How the Anakei describe outworlders/strangers.

Imai: tribal leader and spiritual mother to the tribe, her word is law.

Shon'ai: A game played by tribal members. The Amrazi play with smooth, rounded black stones. The Azhadi play with their knives. A chant begins and each member of the circle tosses a stone or knife on the beat and receives one at the same time. A skilled player can sit in a circle of ten and come away without injury. An Azhadi learns the game using metal rods and over time will graduate to using knives. One can be injured playing Shon'ai even fatally so; you cast and receive your fate with each throw.

La Mallumo: Literally, the dark. Refers to a period of travel between worlds. During that time, the people forget all that they knew about the world they left and start over afresh on the new world.


The people believe in living a natural life. Technology, while used while in service and known to the Moaku as part of the secrets they keep, is not part of everyday life. The people live in tents and cook over open fires. They do not ride animals or travel in conveyances nor do they use chairs or raised beds.

The people prefer natural remedies. It is considered a terrible fate for one of the people to be placed on life support or kept alive through the use of technology.

History - How It Ended
The people have lived for thousands of years and this is not the first world upon which they settled. As a world becomes uninhabitable, the people move on great ships to another planet entirely. Travel between times is called 'la mallumo'. During transit, the people forget all that they knew about the old world and start fresh on the new one. History of those worlds, while maintained by the Moaku, is forbidden to all but the current Imai.

The people have lived on Dusani IV for over a thousand years. Much as they had on other worlds, the Azhadi have become known as highly skilled mercenaries. Living weapons who succeed where no others could. That of course has its down side in that employers come to understand that giving up a living weapon, perhaps to their enemies, is generally a bad practice.

In the end, it was the Moaku themselves that heralded the end of the Azhadi caste. Consolidation of tribes, by pitting Firsts against each other, reduced the number of tribes substantially. Through this process, dissenters were eliminated and with coordination among the remaining Moaku and their Imai(s), the Azhadi were ordered to lay down their weapons and leave Dusan IV, never to return. Obedience was so ingrained into them and was so much a part of who they were, that no one raised an objection.

Instead, in each of those camps, and without coordination, the First stood and walked forward to drop his sword at the Imai’s feet. It was an ancient and telling insult to her authority -- it meant that the warrior would return one day to reclaim that sword. Every warrior followed and in the end, a pile of swords sat before the Imai while the Azhadi walked in silent, single file toward the ships. Though not a first, she was among their number.

No one spoke. Each individual was left to his or her own thoughts. Many committed suicide at the space port rather than accept what they believed to be a dishonorable act by their Imai. Some left only to die later once the shock wore off and the reality of a life without purpose set in. It took her a long while to resolve her own feelings on the matter and it is not something she talks about.

2354: Born on Dusani IV.
2360: Began training as an Azhadi/warrior caste
2370: Completes the trials, receives her tattoo, and becomes an Azhadi warrior
2375 - 2380: Sent by the Imai into service on a neighboring world, Osatur Prime.
2380: Returns to Dusan IV. Ejected from the world later that same year.
2381: Arrives on Earth and applies for membership into Starfleet Academy

Service Record

Service Record 2381-2382: Remedial training to learn how to read/write and learn about the Federation
2382-2386: Attends Starfleet Academy, Security Major/Command Minor.

She had already spent five years in active service among her own people before joining the Federation. Shee was tested and ranked very high in combat tactics and possessed sought after leadership qualities. Reports indicated that she kept a cool head under fire and was good at finding innovative solutions to achieve difficult goals.

2386-2399: USS Rejsende, Assistant Chief of Security

Served aboard the USS Rejsende and saw action on the Romulan border fighting against incursions into Federation space. The ship, and his team, were commended for their actions in saving lives through the prevention of large-scale disaster. Through the ship’s work in the sector, the Federation was able to dismantle and bring to justice an Orion Syndicate operation responsible for theft and sale of weapons and armament. In the process, over one hundred slaves were liberated and returned to their home worlds.

2399-Now: USS Sojourner, Chief of Security

Medical Profile