Lieutenant JG Kestrel

Name Kestrel

Position Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 21 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri Jun 28th, 2024 @ 9:49pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Argelian
Birthplace Argelius II
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 122 lbs
Hair Color Dark brown and short, often swept back into a clip or held out of her eyes with bobby pins.
Eye Color Gray-Green
Physical Description Like all Argelians, Kestrel appears outwardly human. She has two tattoos on the top of her feet of daggers that cover up surgical scars from when she was younger. The daggers were added after she left Argelius II for the Academy as an act of rebellion. As an Argelian, Kestrel is a touch empath. Her empathic sense requires the use of her hands along with focused concentration. A brush of her hand or any other part of her doesn’t result in reading another’s emotions. Because the empathic sense of the Argelians is often misunderstood, Kestrel wears gloves while on duty to keep anyone from mistaking an accidental touch as something more than the usual day to day interaction of two people.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Stowen
Mother Kyriana
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses + Steadfast in her relationships
+ Has a warm, open personality that makes people feel comfortable around her.
+ Passionate about things she loves (she is all in with these things after the Argelian hedonistic style)
+ Creatively minded

- Conflicting views on pacifism
- Can be almost painfully curious about what others are feeling
- Can be hesitant to develop deeply intimate friendships or relationships because of lingering elements of her upbringing that shies away from potentially unpleasant feelings
Hobbies & Interests When she is not working Kestrel practices defensive martial arts. Her interests are largely focused on Jiu Jitsu and Aikido, but she has recently taken up learning Muay Thai. In all of these she is still learning, and enjoys taking in new techniques and forms. The focus of her interests in these areas is always on tactics and systems that support defensive strategies over offense.

In a call back to her Argelian heritage she enjoys painting and drawing. Her favorite medium is colored pencils and she uses this as an outlet to depict and work through emotions. Like other Argelians she prizes beauty and that reflects in her off duty attire and decorative choices.


Personal History Argelius II is often misinterpreted to be like a second Risa because of the hedonistic nature of its people. Unlike Risa, though, the world has a cooler climate not unlike what you’d find in northern Scotland or Ireland on Earth. Misty and cool, Argelius II is prone to days-long storms and so the Argelians have developed a largely indoor culture focused on creativity, pleasure, and beauty. They have developed a deep, disciplined, approach to emotion as a reaction to the empathic sense and much of their culture follows this discipline as a way to understand the root of emotions and ensure what they define as appropriate expression.

The Argelian culture is pacifistic and interest in weapons, warfare, martial arts, or other hobbies which could be deemed violent are frowned upon. The Argelians see these as a gateway to inappropriate expression of the more extreme negative emotions leading to abuse of power and might.

As a child Kestrel was taught early to disdain negative emotions such as anger, grief, and fear. As she grew, though, she began to question the Argelian belief that negative emotions are to be avoided. Eventually she connected with the Mer’Kezic - a minority sect that believes all emotions must be allowed to take their course equally in order to live a balanced life.

After several attempts to intervene in what Kestrel’s parents saw as a significant defect in their daughter she left Argelius II, cutting ties with her family at the age of 17, and joined Starfleet seeing Starfleet’s discipline as a better way to manage emotions while still pursuing the things that interested her most.

Service Record

Service Record 2385 - 2386 - Cadet, Freshman Grade
2386 - 2387 - Cadet, Sophomore Grade
2387 - 2388 - Cadet, Junior Grade, Weapons Systems Specialization
2388 - 2389 - Cadet, Senior Grade, Tactical Strategy Specialization
2389 - 2394 - Ensign, Tactical Officer, USS Artemis
2394 - 2399 - Lieutenant JG, Tactical Officer USS Toledo
2399 - Present - Lieutenant JG, Tactical Officer, USS Sojourner

Medical Profile